From Masumi Iriye 10/22/2021
On Truth and Lies in the Age of Conspiracy Theory CAS Initiative on Conspiracy, Misinformation, and the Infodemic Jim Hansen, Department of English October 21, 2021 Zoom… -
From Masumi Iriye 6/27/2019
Melissa Bilal, Historians in Action: How and Why We Reclaim an Armenian Feminist Past MillerComm2019April 30, 20197:00pmKnight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum -
From Masumi Iriye 3/26/2019
Manisha Desai, Constructing Solidarities in the GLobal Justice Movement: A Feminist PerspectiveCAS/MillerComm2019March 13, 20194:00pmKnight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum -
From Vince Lara-Cinisomo 12/17/2018
Vince Lara-Cinisomo interviews Dr. Pasquale Bottalico in the College of Speech and Hearing Science about his study of the effects of ambient noise in restaurants. -
From Gregory Parks 12/7/2018
Presentation by Dr. Meryl Mims titled Risk and Resilience on a Changing Landscape: Population Connectivity and Persistence of Amphibians in Future Fresh Waters -
From Gregory Parks 11/30/2018
Presentation by Dr. Jared Duquette titled Ecological Stories of Toothy, Cryptic, and Otherwise Fearful Mammals -
From Gregory Parks 11/17/2018
Presentation by Dr. Linda S. Prokopy titled Meta-Review of Barriers and Motivations for Farmers to Adopt Conservation Practices -
From Gregory Parks 11/10/2018
Presentation by Dr. Matthew Hansen titled Global Land Monitoring Using Public Earth Observation Imagery -
From Gregory Parks 11/2/2018
Presentation by Dr. Tatyana Deryugina titled The Effect of Pollution on Health Care Utilization: Evidence from Changes in Wind Direction -
From Gregory Parks 10/29/2018
Presentation by Dr. Rong Fu titled Ecosystem regulated rainy season onset and drought variability -
From Gregory Parks 10/23/2018
Presentation by Dr. Christopher M. Tonra titled Pulling Back the Curtain On Migratory Bird Behavior and Ecology Using Motus -
From Gregory Parks 10/17/2018
Presentation by Sarah Taylor Lovell titled Multifunctional Woody Polycultures for Sustainable Food Production -
From Chinedu Onyejekwe 10/8/2018
Presentation by Steve Midway titled A Short (Life) History of Southern Flounder -
From Chinedu Onyejekwe 10/5/2018
Presentation by Angela Kent titled Selecting for sustainability: Plant genotype shapes composition of microbial community structure and junction Presentation by Lulu… -
From Chinedu Onyejekwe 10/5/2018
Presentation by Kai Chan titled Sustainability: The Moon-Shot We Can Achieve -
From Chinedu Onyejekwe 9/18/2018
Presentation by Jeffrey Brawn titled Prospects for Tropical Birds in a Changing World -
From Chinedu Onyejekwe 9/7/2018
Presentation by Reuben Keller titled Keeping Out The next Invasive Species: Ecological and Economic Models to Support Policy. -
From Rudy Negrete 4/28/2018
Presentation by Dr. Ike Schlosser titled Reflections on Jim Karr's Early Years at UIUC and Ongoing Challenges Related to Biological Assessment. -
From Rudy Negrete 4/14/2018
Presentation by professor Richard C. Stedman of Cornell University. Given on 04/13/2018.