U of I Extension CFIV
From Herbert Chavez Diaz 4/18/2024
Tackles ageism and fosters inclusionPeople in the third stage of life, usually age 55 or 60 and older, are often lumped together, suggesting similarities that may not be… -
From Chelsey Byers 12/2/2022
Zoom Recording ID: 4269060471 UUID: xUXGWEZJSuCDePI2Ehf2iQ== Meeting Time: 2022-12-02 03:49:39pmGMT -
From Jake Keister 11/28/2022
In this session, learn to identify burnout, understand common risk factors, and follow the latest evidence of how to address burnout in ourselves and others. Presenter:… -
From Jake Keister 6/10/2022
Do you feel alone in your struggle to save? Financial experts have emphasized the importance of saving for unexpected events and long-term financial goals; however,… -
From Jake Keister 6/3/2022
Why is credit such a mystery? What's the difference between a credit score, credit report, and credit history? Extension has the answers you’re looking for to… -
From Jake Keister 6/3/2022
Why do we eat? It's evident that food provides us with essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body, but, have you wondered if the act of eating is… -
From Chelsey Byers 6/3/2022
Zoom Recording ID: 89732217747 UUID: 9yvztfPoTweH4KP0Wr2yZw== Meeting Time: 2022-06-03 02:39:13pm -
From Jake Keister 6/1/2022
Repaying debt is challenging in the best of situations, and today's economic situation makes it more difficult. Learn tried and true strategies for prioritizing… -
From Jake Keister 5/20/2022
Not everyone has the same access to credit. While consumer laws offer protection from discrimination, this problem still affects many consumers. In this workshop, we… -
From Jake Keister 5/13/2022
Money comes in; money goes out. Do you have money left for your important goals and wants? Learn the secrets of directing your money to where you want it to go. -
From Jake Keister 5/6/2022
In this interactive workshop, assess who you are with money, and where you want to be in the future. -
From Jake Keister 4/29/2022
Mindfulness can play an important role in our everyday decision-making. It centers on focused attention, remaining open, and practicing acceptance. In this lesson, we… -
From Jake Keister 4/29/2022
In the past two decades, particularly after the No Child Left Behind Act was passed, many school systems have made cuts to subjects that are not part of regular… -
From Herbert Chavez Diaz 1/13/2022
Ask the State Biologist: Answers and insights into Illinois natural history and the Illinois Natural History Survey.Dr. Eric Schauber, Director of the Illinois Natural… -
From uie-zoom-fcs 9/9/2021
We want to do all we can to protect ourselves from becoming ill. A healthy immune system gives the body a layer of protection. While no one food or healthy lifestyle… -
From uie-zoom-fcs2 8/25/2021
Every day, patient care is shaped by adverse influences that may result in workplace trauma and second-rate care. By understanding the origin of these influences,… -
From Herbert Chavez Diaz 8/20/2021
The scientific community is investing billions of dollars in stem cell research, but what are they, and why are researchers so interested in them? Moreover, is stem cell… -
From uie-zoom-fcs2 8/19/2021
Recent research has revealed that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can cause a lifetime of health consequences; from not being able to sleep soundly as an adult, to… -
From uie-zoom-fcs2 8/4/2021
Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems are revolutionizing health care, potentially improving patient and provider collaboration and patient self-care. A barrier to… -
From uie-zoom-fcs2 7/28/2021
Is diabetes preventable? Learn how diabetes affects our body, as well as dietary and other lifestyle modifications for diabetes prevention and management. Presenter: Ru… -
From uie-zoom-fcs2 7/21/2021
The brain is enveloped by a vast network of blood vessels that supply the energy for us to breathe, move, feel, and think. As we age, these vessels are susceptible to… -
From uie-zoom-fcs2 7/14/2021
A person's biological sex plays into many parts of their lives: identity, behavior, expectations of others, physical health. Our biological sex affects brain health… -
From uie-zoom-fcs2 7/8/2021
How does our palate change through our lifecycle? Learn about the five senses, the process of aging, and the connection between smell and taste. What are some ways to… -
From uie-zoom-fcs2 7/7/2021
Probiotics are in many drinks and health-conscious foods, but what does the research say about their effectiveness? Can we believe the hype? Learn how to read a… -
From uie-zoom-fcs2 6/30/2021
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are all around us, so how can we reduce our exposure to them? Does replacing products in our homes with "natural" products…
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