2018 CSL PhD Thesis Award Presentation: Mingu Kang
From Kim Gudeman 9/17/2018
133 plays
From Kim Gudeman 9/17/2018
DIMA employs low-signal-to-noise-ratio (low-SNR) analog processing and delayed decisions to achieve both energy eciency and throughput gains without any loss in inference accuracy relative to a conventional digital architecture.The DIMA concept has been validated via three silicon IC prototypes in 65 nm CMOS, demonstrating up to 100X gains in the energy-delay product for decision-making systems.
Furthermore, a DIMA-based in-memory instruction set architecture with an LLVM-based compiler to provide an end-to-end application-mapping software framework has also been developed, demonstrating DIMA’s versatility. This talk will describe the DIMA concept, design principles, challenges, silicon-measured results, and future prospects.