The Centrality of Advanced Digitally ENabled Science (CADENS) is a new National Science Foundation project to develop a series of science documentaries that highlight computational scientific visualizations with the primary goal to help raise public awareness about the importance of computational and digitally-enabled science. The Project assembles a group of production professionals, educators, and advanced technology teams with a proven track record of successful projects. CADENS is led by Donna Cox, Director of the NCSA Advanced Visualization Lab (AVL). AVL has created cinematic data visualizations seen by millions of people at museums, IMAX theaters, broadcast television and other public venues. CADENS expands upon these former visualization efforts to develop three fulldome museum shows and nine television documentaries targeted for the general public to help raise awareness of what computational science is and how it relates to society. AVL is developing data visualizations from Blue Waters, XSEDE, and National Center for Atmospheric Science for the fulldome show “Solar Superstorms.” Cox’s visual presentation will include excerpts from “Solar Superstorms” in-the-making, “Hubble 3D” IMAX movie and a Virtual Director interactive remote collaboration between Chicago’s Adler Planetarium and NCSA.
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