321 - Spring 2024 Wk1
From Brianna Gregg
From Brianna Gregg
New Faculty Social - 1/19
ACES Teaching & Learning Canvas site launched in December. Email Elissa Thomann Mitchell (thomann2@illinois.edu) for access.
Uses of the emergency dean: https://odos.illinois.edu/community-of-care/resources/faculty/
As faculty and staff, you may come into contact with students who are struggling and/or in need of extra assistance. There are many reasons why students may be struggling or in distress, including relationship difficulties, stress, physical or mental health issues, academic challenges, or financial problems. Students may provide a number of signs that they are having difficulty. Being aware of these signals, as well as resources to help, plays an important role in supporting student success at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Additional ACES resource - Student Engagement form