COE-IWERC Discussion, held 6-15-2023
From Elizabeth Niswander
From Elizabeth Niswander
This COE Researcher & IWERC Discussion was held June 15, inviting COE faculty, to talk about COE research interests that might intersect with Illinois state policy, and how the Illinois Workforce and Education Research Collaborative (IWERC) can be helpful to those interests.
Led by IWERC director Meg Bates, six members of the IWERC research staff outlined their current research to 13 COE faculty researcher attendees.We then reviewed a number of possible external funding competitions that might support COE-IWERC collaborations and IWERC fielded questions.
With enthusiastic response from COE attendees, followup conversations and contacts are being planned. We know that not every interested faculty member could to join the 6/15 meeting. If you were not there, but would like to be included in future communications around IWERC research collaborations, please identify yourself to Beth Niswander.