Serving the Whole State - University Motion Picture Audiovisuals (Digital Surrogates), Series 39/1/811
From University Archives 9/10/2018
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University Motion Picture Audiovisuals (Digital Surrogates), Series 39/1/811
Serving the Whole State
This promotional film highlights the Statewide Services which facilitate the outreach learning programs. The film addresses faculty and staff who are stationed in each county, including farm and home advisers, who share research coming out of the main campus. Additionally, the film addresses high school testing and college preparation, 4H clubs, children's clinics, hospitals and clinics associated with the medical schools, extension classes that meet in communities and on military bases, correspondence courses, drivers' education, firefighter and police training, the Allerton House programs, a mail-rental audiovisual aid library, the University Press, radio station, televised classes and meetings, the Bureau of Business Management, speech clinics, hearing clinics, and psychology clinics.
File name: 3901811_ServingTheWholeState.mp4
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Serving the Whole State
This promotional film highlights the Statewide Services which facilitate the outreach learning programs. The film addresses faculty and staff who are stationed in each county, including farm and home advisers, who share research coming out of the main campus. Additionally, the film addresses high school testing and college preparation, 4H clubs, children's clinics, hospitals and clinics associated with the medical schools, extension classes that meet in communities and on military bases, correspondence courses, drivers' education, firefighter and police training, the Allerton House programs, a mail-rental audiovisual aid library, the University Press, radio station, televised classes and meetings, the Bureau of Business Management, speech clinics, hearing clinics, and psychology clinics.
File name: 3901811_ServingTheWholeState.mp4
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