Professional Development Seminar: Interviewing Skills - What to Expect and How to Prepare
From Emma Ilukhin 3/4/2021
From Emma Ilukhin 3/4/2021
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You've landed an interview - congrats! But now you're wondering what you can do to prepare. There are many types of interviews, they come at different stages of the recruitment process, are of varying lengths - quick chats during career fairs, short on campus, and longer ``on site'' visits - and have different formats. And nowadays they are all being adjusted for the virtual mode we're all operating in due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This session will feature panelists who can share their perspectives as alums, recruiters, and career services advisors and provide insight and advice on what you can expect, how you can prepare, and do's and don'ts of interviewing.
John is a Career Services Coordinator in Engineering Career Services. John has been assisting Grainger Engineering students with career development since 2019. Prior to joining the ECS team, John was Internship and Employment Coordinator at Lake Land College.
Ken Taylor currently serves as the Cloud Architect at the University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign. For the past ten years he has focused on large-scale data analytics and data engineering using cloud technologies in a variety of industries including agriculture, Internet advertising and finance. He has been mentoring and lecturing on entrepreneurship topics for many years in the community. He got his start in entrepreneurship by co-founding a computer consulting company where he helped secure venture capital funding for a fingerprint biometric device.
As the Site Manager at the AGCO Acceleration Center, my responsibilities include seeking out areas of applicable research, developing mutually beneficial partnership opportunities and creating lasting relationships with faculty, startups and other companies at UIUC & Research Park. I also oversee an internship program at the AAC with 25+ interns coming from a variety of majors including: CS, Engineering, Business, Information Science, Analytics, Market Research and more. I enjoy working with students and cultivating long-term talent for AGCO.
I have my a BS in Business Administration from Townson University and earned my MBA from the University of Illinois in 2017.