1D - Cross-Unit Collaborations -- When things just have to get done - Spring 2021 IT Pro Forum
From ITPF Zoom4
From ITPF Zoom4
There are many great committees and groups on campus that have been formed with formal charters and pre-negotiated deliverables. However, sometimes you need to bring people together quickly to work on a problem and create a solution. The Web Implementation Guidelines Group (WIGG) is a group that was formed completely organically and has now helped release a consistent website design template with implementations in several CMS across the campus. Hear how this collaboration came about, how it has been successful, what lessons you can learn from our experience and how you can become a part of our work.
Learning Outcome: Participants will learn tips about creating cross-campus collaborations in an informal environment.
As of the upgrade and going forward all videos play on mediaspace in the new player. Also since the upgrade any video you embed in Canvas or elsewhere, with the built-in tools in Canvas or the embed code from mediaspace, will play with the new player. However, any videos embedded anywhere before the update will continue to play in Player 2.
To take advantage of the new player, and use a fully-supported player, we urge you to re-embed videos in Canvas or elsewhere, retracing the steps you took the first time.
For more information on updating your links to take advantage of the new player: https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/146970 For more information on viewing media with the new player: https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/146972