Presented on April 28, 2022, by Mark Healy - Arcadis - at the 2022 Emerging Contaminants in the Environment Conference (ECEC22)
This presentation provides an overview of current water treatment technologies for PFAS removal and focuses on how fractionation can be beneficial to current industry standard treatment trains. Fractionation is a separation technology that uses micron-sized gas (air or ozone) bubbles to remove emerging contaminants, including per- and polyfuoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS characteristics can drastically influence the selection of treatment technologies based on both economic and environmental discharge objectives. These characteristics include fluorinated structure and tail length (short-or-long) as well as the functional head group. The hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of PFAS molecules attract them to the gas-liquid interface in a fractionation system, enhancing their removal through the water-bubble column. The objective of this presentation is to show the development of fractionation technology in bench, pilot, and full-scale applications and how fractionation can be incorporated into in a treatment train approach (continuous or batched) at full-scale. Arcadis will present real-world results from recent bench-scale and pilot-scale tests conducted in 2021 that have been used to compare and confirm PFAS removal efficacy and waste generation rates for comparative treatment technologies. Optimizing site specific treatment process often requires a treatment train, combining conventional treatment technologies with more innovative and emerging solutions for PFAS.