Ann Abbott shares her thoughts on how to integrate service learning into the classroom:
shows that service learning helps students better understand "messy
problems"--the kinds of complex, interconnected issues that challenge
our communities and that lie at the heart of our disciplines.
In this workshop we will start with the basics of service learning to
understand what it is, why the AACU lists it as a "high-impact
educational practice," and what it looks like in a variety of
disciplines. Then we will turn to our local community. As we identify
strengths and challenges within our cities and nearby areas, we will
sketch out specific ways we can connect our courses and disciplines to
community-identified needs. Service learning students are often eager
yet nervous to step outside the campus to learn
and serve - so are many faculty. After this workshop you will have a
concrete idea for a service learning course or project and know the
steps for its design and implementation."
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