Illinois College of Medicine is the first college of medicine in the nation designed at the intersection of engineering and medicine. Ultrasound (US)
imaging is used by physicians of all specialties, although there are few US
educational opportunities for physicians outside emergency and critical care medicine. The goals of this study were: 1) assess and compare first year
(M1s) with the second year (M2s) medical students' perception of two US devices;
2) identify how students’ learning experiences in US can be enhanced. The results of the study illustrated that students agreed US can enhance teaching effectiveness in a clinical setting. From this study, Carle Illinois introduced an ultrasound elective into preclinical years. Future work
includes implementation of US education in a family medicine outpatient
clinic and assessment of student long-term knowledge retention and
competency. Medical students can benefit from US knowledge and skills that
will perpetuate throughout their whole career.
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