COLLOQUIUM: Mike Tissenbaum, "Beyond computational thinking: A Computational Action approach for empowerment and identity in K-12 CS education"
From cs-speakerseries 10/3/2022
From cs-speakerseries 10/3/2022
Abstract: In this talk, Dr. Mike Tissenbaum will outline the need to move beyond computer science (CS) curricula that prioritize learning to code towards a Computational Action approach to CS education that emphasizes students’ development of their computational identities and digital empowerment. Through a series of examples across formal and informal learning spaces, Dr. Tissenbaum will illustrate how this reframing of CS education can provide grounding for more inclusive and culturally responsive CS education, particularly for students traditionally underrepresented and marginalized in computer sciences. Dr. Tissenbaum will also discuss the role computer science plays in his development of educational technologies that provide opportunities for students to connect with peers, engage in mentorship, and see themselves as part of a broader community of computational makers and designers.
Bio: Mike Tissenbaum is an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Mike's research, which focuses on collaborative learning and knowledge communities, aims to understand how children develop STEM and computational literacies when engaged with technology-enhanced learning. In this pursuit, Mike advocates for a new framing for computing education, termed computational action - which is founded on the idea that while learning about computing, young people should also have opportunities to create with computing which have direct impact on their lives and their communities.