21st Century Land Grant Call to Action: Expand and Maximize our Mission - Provost Andreas Cangellaris
From Dena Strong
From Dena Strong
If you have questions for Provost Cangellaris at the IT Pro Forum, please contribute your questions in this WebTools form before June 1.
IT Professionals Forum welcomes Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost Andreas Cangellaris for this special event of interest to the UIUC IT community.
Our university is Illinois’ flagship university and one of the most influential public research universities in the world. As such, we must lead the change our state, the nation and the world need to confront and correct the lingering inequities and socioeconomic disparities the COVID-19 pandemic has put on center stage. These are major impediments to prosperity and access to affordable education, health, and wellness for all. The striking advances we have made, and continue to make, in scientific discovery and technological innovation leave no room for excuses and inaction. More is expected and is being asked of us, and it is our responsibility to deliver. We can do so by expanding and maximizing our mission, in research, education, community engagement, and economic development. We cannot do it alone. In addition to our foundational relationships with the state and the federal government, new, innovative partnerships are pivotal to our success. We must pursue them and nurture them; without them, the resources we need to succeed will not be enough.
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