Search for tag: "colloquia"
Relocating innovation: Places and Material Practices of Future MakingLucy Suchman - Lancaster University This talk explores the question of how we might engage both critically and generatively with the contemporary figure of innovation. I suggest as one resource the…
From Michael Miller
52 plays
What We Have Learned about using Software Engineering Practices in Scientific SoftwareThe increase in the importance of scientific software motivates the need to identify and understand which software engineering (SE) practices are appropriate. Because of the uniqueness of the…
From Michael Miller
17 plays
Big Data Visual AnalysisWe live in an era in which the creation of new data from simulations, sensors, experiments, imaging, is growing exponentially such that every two days we create as much new data as we did from the…
From Michael Miller
19 plays
Interdisciplinarity in a Highly Technical Context: Uncovering Strategies and Structures of CollaborationWilliam Barley, assistant professor of Communication and 2015-2016 NCSA Faculty Fellow Interdisciplinary teams are increasingly touted as necessary for scientific progress but research shows these…
From Michael Miller
6 plays
Designing Culture, Creating Multidisciplinary CollaborationAnne Balsamo, The New School’s Dean of the School of Media Studies How does inter-disciplinarity impact innovation? Anne Balsamo shares an approach to the study and practice of technology-based…
From Michael Miller
70 plays
Networking Peripheries: Technological Futures, Digital Memory and the Myth of Digital UniversalismAnita ChanDepartment of Media and Cinema Studies, UIUCChanneling the promise global interconnection, and framed as the mark of contemporary optimization, “the digital” has come to…
From Michael Miller
19 plays
Numerical Relativity and the Binary Black Hole ProblemMiguel Alcubierre National Autonomous University of Mexico The field equations of General Relativity describe the geometry of spacetime, that is the gravitational field, in the presence of…
From Michael Miller
16 plays
A Year of CyberInfrastructureLearn about what Illinois faculty need to do their research by reading the Year of Cyberinfrastructure Final Report. Click here to access the Final Report.John Towns, Deputy CIO for Research IT at…
From Michael Miller
3 plays
Steps for Stifling a New Open Source ProjectKarl Fogel It turns out that there are lots of ways to drive a promising open source project into the ground. We will look at various methods, focusing especially on those that organizations…
From Michael Miller
10 plays
The FLASH Code Lifecycle in the Context of Evolving Software Engineering and Platform ArchitectureAnshu Dubey Multi-scale, multi-physics simulation codes take years to develop, with a typical life cycle that can span several generations of high performance computing (HPC) platforms. For these…
From Michael Miller
5 plays
A Computational Future for Science EducationKaty Huff Abstract: Detailed computational models, massively parallelized calculations, and enormously collaborative simulation projects are increasingly integral to the advancement of science.…
From Michael Miller
9 plays
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST): Status and Science OpportunitiesMichael Strauss The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) was the highest-ranked ground-based telescope in the 2010 Decadal Survey, and will define much of the direction of the astronomical…
From Michael Miller
13 plays
Models of Genome Evolution and Ecosystem Dynamics: Kill-the-Winner, Kill-the-Loser, Kill-the-KingSergei Maslov We swim in the ocean of data and the only way to turn this data into knowledge is by condensing it down to models - the simpler the better. I will describe two models that my…
From Michael Miller
12 plays
The Universe in a Box -- Simulating Galaxy Formation with Blue Waters -- Brian O'SheaGalaxies are complicated beasts - many physical processes operate simultaneously, and over a huge range of scales in space and time. As a result, accurately modeling the formation and evolution of…
From Michael Miller
7 plays
Data Science from a European Perspective -- Bernard F. SchutzPhysics and astronomy have led the way in handling and exploiting massive amounts of data, but the explosion of "Big Data" in other research areas raises the question of whether the physics…
From Michael Miller
3 plays
Grand Challenges in Constructing Large Evolutionary Trees -- Tandy WarnowConstructing the Tree of Life requires statistical estimation methods that have high accuracy on genome-scale data. These estimations are challenging, since nearly all statistical estimation methods…
From Michael Miller
1 plays
Subsistence Marketplaces -- Madhu ViswanathanThe Subsistence Marketplaces Initiative at the University of Illinois and has pioneered the area of enquiry and practice entitled subsistence marketplaces which adopts a unique bottom-up approach to…
From Michael Miller
6 plays
From Data to Knowledge with Workflows and ProvenanceBertram Ludascher Scientific workflow automation can provide significant benefits for compute-intensive and data-intensive scientific applications. The vision and promise of scientific workflows…
From Michael Miller
1 plays
HydroShare: Advancing Collaboration through Hydrologic Data and Model Sharing -- David TarbotonHydroShare is an online, collaborative system being developed for open sharing of hydrologic data and models. The goal of HydroShare is to enable scientists to easily discover and access hydrologic…
From Michael Miller
10 plays
Advanced Visualization Instrumentation -- Jason LeighIncreasingly, the nation’s computational science and engineering research communities work with international collaborators to tackle complex global problems. Just as cyberinfrastructure…
From Michael Miller
2 plays
Energy Efficiency and Extreme Scaling at LRZThe Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) is offering IT services to the universities of Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe and beyond. At the top-level, LRZ hosts SuperMUC, a world-class powerful…
From Michael Miller
3 plays
Toward Reliable and Reproducible Inference in Big Data -- Victoria StoddenThe 21st century is surely the century of data. New technologies now permit the collection of data by virtually all scientific, educational, governmental, societal and commercial enterprises, leading…
From Michael Miller
7 plays
Simulating Chemical and Biological Processes -- Sharon Hammes-SchifferMany chemical and biological processes require the breaking and forming of chemical bonds and other quantum mechanical effects. Such processes cannot be simulated with standard classical molecular…
From Michael Miller
28 plays
Paths toward Physically-entangled Interactive Computational STEAM -- Brygg UllmerScientific and information visualization have long offered powerful approaches for helping people graphically represent, explore, and understand our universe. Our group investigates tangible…
From Michael Miller
1 plays