Search for tag: "deep learning"
ISE Information Day: Data AnalyticsThis video contains a brief description of the Department of Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering's undergraduate majors and student opportunities by Associate Director Heidi Craddock…
From Heidi Craddock
28 plays
Feed Forward Neural Networks 4: Quadrants 1 and 3 (3 layers)Let's look at a 3-layer neural network which identifies quadrants 1 and 3 in the plane (Google Drive).
From Richard Sowers
198 plays
Feed Forward Neural Networks 3: Quadrants 1 and 3 (2 layers)Let's look at a 2-layer neural network which identifies quadrants 1 and 3 in the plane (Google Drive).
From Richard Sowers
164 plays
Feed Forward Neural Networks 2: Quadrant 1Let's look at a 2-layer neural network which identifies quadrant 1 in the plane (Google Drive).
From Richard Sowers
204 plays
Feed Forward Neural Networks 1: Quadrants 1 and 4Let's look at a 2-layer neural network which identifies quadrants 1 and 4 in the plane (Google Drive).
From Richard Sowers
458 plays
Truth Tables 2: LayersLet's write out matrix representations of approximations of truth tables in a common way (Google Drive)
From Richard Sowers
498 plays
Truth Tables 1: Sigmoid functionsLet's represent 2-dimensional truth tables as combinations of squeezed sigmoids (Google Drive)
From Richard Sowers
812 plays
Backpropagation 3: Vector calculationsLet's finally consider multidimensional backpropagation (Google Drive)
From Richard Sowers
294 plays
Backpropagation 1: Multiplicative parametersLet's understand backpropagation with multiplicative parameters (Google Drive)
From Richard Sowers
579 plays
Linear Regression 4: Computational Linear AlgebraLet's think a bit about how linear algebra is implemented (Google Drive)
From Richard Sowers
370 plays
Linear Regression 3: Gradient DescentLet's write out the exact solution of Linear Regression (Google Drive)
From Richard Sowers
456 plays
Logistic Regression 4: RegularizationLet's understand how to regularize logistic regression (Google Drive)
From Richard Sowers
236 plays