Search for tag: "global intersections"
Resilience in the times of COVID-`19: SwaTaleem's experience with Rural Adolescent GirlsAn estimated 10 million girls in India may not return to school when they reopen after the second wave of COVID-19. Furthermore, there will be an increase of more than 30 million child brides in the…
From Maria Dorofeeva
40 plays
Global Platforms and InfrastructuresDigital platforms are so pervasive in our everyday life to the point that it becomes no longer meaningful to separate our lives from them. How do they shape our everyday life, cultural industry,…
From Maria Dorofeeva
20 plays
Local Responses to Educational Reforms in Chicago and ChileThere is a clear interrelationship between current educational reforms and global economic movements. Educational reforms are driven by the increasing demand for meeting…
From Maria Dorofeeva
42 plays
CGS-Impact of COVID-19 on Travel and Study Abroad in West AfricaThe world is experiencing new COVID-19 waves and lockdowns. West Africa, however, is open to most travelers and remains a world leader in fighting the spread of the coronavirus. Join us for a…
From IGI-info IGI-info
23 plays