Search for tag: "global work"
CGS - Global Culture Work: Between Transnational Mobility and Local CommitmentsThis panel brings together dance and theater artists and arts managers based in Africa, Europe, and the Americas to discuss key conditions of their work in this “global” profession. What…
From Maria Dorofeeva
5 plays
Edward A. Kolodziej, Global Governance: Evaluating the Liberal Democratic, Chinese, and Russian Solutions (Book Launch)How do we prevent the next pandemic? Will governments successfully tackle climate change? Will they find ways to close the gap between the haves and have-nots and to eliminate poverty? Which solution…
From Maria Dorofeeva
14 plays
Book Talk With Sonia Hernandez: For a Just and Better World: Engendering Anarchism in the Mexican Borderlands, 1900-1938In her latest book, For a Just and Better World: Engendering Anarchism in the Mexican Borderlands, 1900-1938, Sonia Hernández tells the story of how Caritina Piña Montalvo and other…
From Maria Dorofeeva
35 plays
CGS-Global Museum Museum Work in Light of the Pandemic and the ProtestOn October 20 at 12pm, Dr. Thea Quiray Tagle (University of Massachusetts Boston), Dr. Anita Haldemann (Kunstmuseum Basel), Dr. Sooa Im McCormick (Cleveland Museum of Art), and Dr. Maureen Warren…
From Maria Dorofeeva
6 plays