Search for tag: "nres"

NRES 512 Week 13 Basic GIS Operations II

Using R to work with geographic data sets

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From  Jen Mui 5 plays 0  

NRES 512 Week 12 - Working with GIS data

Using R to work with geographical datasets

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 2 plays 0  

NRES 512 Week 11 - Data Exploration 3

Using R Markdown

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 4 plays 0  

NRES 512 Week 10 - Data Exploration 2

Co-liniearity, pairwise comparisons, correlation…

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 1 plays 0  

NRES 512_Week 9 - Data Exploration 1

Quality control checksOutliersTransformations for…

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 1 plays 0  

NRES 512_Week 8 - Data Visualization 3

Graphing Part 3Unique ways to display data

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 3 plays 0  

NRES 512 - Intro to R Week 7 Graphing in R Part 2

Customization of graphs ColorSaving graphs…

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 5 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 8 discussion

Module 8 discussion: 10/14/21

From  Angela Kent 11 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 10: What is sustainability?

What is sustainability?

From  Angela Kent 35 plays 0  

NRES 512 Week 6 - Graphing

Creating graphs with gigiplot packageFixing…

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 5 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 8: Richard Hobbs seminar

NRES seminar: Richard Hobbs Intervention ecology:…

From  Angela Kent 9 plays 0  

NRES 512 Week 5 Looping and Creating Functions

Week 5 of Intro to R programming for NRES…

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 5 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 6: Can this river be saved?

Slate What Next TBD podcast about the water…

From  Angela Kent 28 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 5 - noon discussion

NRES 102 Module 5 DiscussionMeeting Time:…

From  Angela Kent 13 plays 0  

NRES 512 Week 2 - R Fundamentals Part 2

Setting up directories, Loading data sets, Saving…

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 34 plays 0  

Part 1 - Video 1: Data Models and Vector Data

Part 1 - Video 1: Data Models and Vector Data

+1 More
From  Sam Stickley 202 plays 0  

NRES 512 Week 1 - R Fundamentals

About R - where to find it, what it looks like R…

+1 More
From  Jen Mui 88 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 1: State of the planet

Module 1: State of the planet, includes quiz.

From  Angela Kent 107 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 3: environmental policy, part 2

Module 3: environmental policy, part 2

From  Angela Kent 60 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 3: environmental policy, part 1

Module 3: environmental policy, part 1 (includes…

From  Angela Kent 141 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 1: State of the Planet

Module 1: State of the Planet, includes quiz

From  Angela Kent 2 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 14: Climate change and weather

Module 14: Climate change and weather, includes…

From  Angela Kent 145 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 14: Climate change and ecosystem services

Module 14: Climate change and ecosystem services,…

From  Angela Kent 141 plays 0  

NRES 102 Module 14: Climate change and the Ocean Conveyor Belt (Al Gore | An Inconvenient Truth)

Module 14: In this video clip, Al Gore does a…

From  Angela Kent 132 plays 0