Search for tag: "physics"


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From  Rebecca Wiltfong 0 plays 0  

Illinois Physics and Astronomy Convocation 2020

On May 16, 2020, the Departments of Physics and Astronomy held a virtual ceremony to honor our graduating Bachelors students.

From  Patrick Snyder 129 plays 0  


Phys402 Lab D4 - Holography for Spring 2020 to allow students to complete lab reports during quarantine times.

+5 More
From  Mayisha Nakib 59 plays 0  


From  Morten Lundsgaard 444 plays 0  


From  Morten Lundsgaard 698 plays 0  


From  Morten Lundsgaard 502 plays 0  


From  Morten Lundsgaard 522 plays 0  


From  Morten Lundsgaard 521 plays 0  


From  Morten Lundsgaard 583 plays 0  


From  Morten Lundsgaard 650 plays 0  


From  Morten Lundsgaard 1,306 plays 0  


From  Morten Lundsgaard 952 plays 0  

Prelab 6: Overview

The overview for Physics 211 prelab 6

From  Katie Ansell 3,452 plays

Prelab 6: Assumptions

Prelab video discussion the different relevant assumptions that are made during a physics experiment.

From  Katie Ansell 3,675 plays

Re-zeroing force and staying away from magnets

re-zero force and stay away from magnets

From  Mats Selen 952 plays 0  

Welcome and Initial Introduction

Introduction for Prelab 0 in Physics 102. …

From  Katie Ansell 427 plays 0  

Welcome and Initial Introduction

Introduction for Prelab 0 in Physics 101. …

From  Katie Ansell 2,560 plays 0  

Welcome and Initial Introduction

Introduction for Prelab 0 in Physics 211.

From  Mats Selen 1,742 plays 0  

Magnetic Fields Trailer (I-MRSEC web series)

A group of young people discover a strange new material while visiting a research center at the University of Illinois. What happens when they steal it? Watch the trailer for the web episode series…

+6 More
From  Pamela Pena Martin 31 plays 0  

2017 Research Live! Finalist: Sarvagya Sharma – Diamonds, Physicist’s Best Friend

Diamonds are a physicist’s best friend. They are a great host for Nitrogen-vacancy centers and studying the neutron Electric Dipole Moment (nEDM). Sarvagy also says the centers can get…

From  BRANDON Stauffer 57 plays 0  

Kaltura Media Engine Update - 3 November 2016

Kaltura Media Engine Update - 3 November 2016 IT Pro Forum 2016 This is the first part of the talk, the last 25 minutes were an overview of CaptureSpace, a media creation tool. CaptureSpace was…

+55 More
From  Drew MacGregor 118 plays 0  

Spark of Genius: The Story of John Bardeen

Imagine a world without computers, cell phones or all modern electronics. This would be a world without John Bardeen. In 1947, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invented the transistor which amplifies…

+6 More
From  Joel Steinfeldt 146 plays 0