From Angel Olanda Almendarez 4/28/2021
Senior Capstone Project Video Presentation Assignment 4 By Angel Olanda Almendarez -
From Shivom Patel 4/27/2021
Analyzing the changes and impacts art and art organizations have on a region through economic and cultural influences -
From Reis O'Donnell 4/27/2021
Reis O'Donnell - Senior Capstone Project on the Second Avenue Subway Project in New York City UIUC Department of Urban Planning Class of 2021 (Undergraduate) -
From Andrew Koteras 4/27/2021
A summary of my internship experience with the City of Crystal Lake, IL planning + economic development department. Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way! -
From Ethan Wrigley 4/27/2021
My final presentation for the 2021 BAUSP Capstone Event. I am sending this to my coworkers at my internship as well so I did speak for over a minute on the… -