From Stephanie Pregent 3/23/2021
NEUR 520, SEM, March 16, 2021 - Avindra Nath, Chief, Section of Infections of the Nervous System & Clincal Director NINDS, NIH -
From Stephanie Pregent 3/23/2021
NEUR 520, SEM - "Evolution of Memory: From Basic Foraging Decisions to Cognitive Map Construction," Ekaterina D. Gribkova, University of Illinois at… -
From Stephanie Pregent 3/3/2021
NEUR 520, SEM-Eva Fischer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagin - 03/02/2021 -
From Stephanie Pregent 2/24/2021
NEUR 520, SEM - Meghan M. Herting, University of Southern California, 2/23/21 -
From Stephanie Pregent 2/3/2021
NEUR 520, SEM - 02/02/2021"Complementary neural circuits for oxytocin modulation of social approach and social vigilance," Brian Trainor, Professor and Vice… -
From Stephanie Pregent 1/28/2021
NEUR 520, SEM - 1/26/21, "Axon regeneration and functional recovery," Zhigang He, Harvard Medical School