This workshop provides an overview of the legal considerations for researchers, creatives, and professionals navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of AI.… -
You've heard about fake telephone calls and AI-generated propaganda videos. But how are deepfakes created? How can you identify deepfakes? And what can you do to… -
In this workshop, we’ll explore how engaging with AI tools can enhance your creativity. Participants will dive into AI's multimodal capabilities, discovering… -
Unlock the power of studying text on a large scale through this beginner-friendly introduction to text mining. In this workshop, we’ll provide an overview of… -
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the way that we write and research. But how do tools like ChatGPT work? And how can we use them effectively and ethically in… -
Learn how to scan historic objects with your cell phone in this hands-on workshop! Along the way, we’ll provide a jargon-free overview of how AI builds three… -
You've heard about fake telephone calls and AI-generated propaganda videos. But how are deepfakes created? How can you identify deepfakes? And what can you do to… -
From Cadence Cordell
A short tutorial about how to use AntConc's KWIC Tool. Access the "Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Dataset" to follow along with the… -
From Cadence Cordell
A short tutorial about how to customize your searches in AntConc using the "Word", "Case", "Regex" and "Advanced Search"… -
From Cadence Cordell
A short tutorial about how to use AntConc's Word Tool. Access the "Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Dataset" to follow along with the… -
From Cadence Cordell
A short tutorial on how to use AntConc's Cluster Tool. Access the "Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Dataset" to follow along with the… -
From Cadence Cordell
A walkthrough about how to use AntConc's Plot Tool. Provides explanations for the statistical measures AntConc uses and how to avoid misreading results. Access… -
You've asked an AI generator to create a cat portrait in the style of Picasso, now what? Although sampling the work of others has been a natural part of image… -
From CCB Assistant
Dr. Rebekah Fitzsimmons speaks about her work using data mining and digital humanities software to study children's literature. -
From Cadence Cordell
A short tutorial about how to download AntConc onto a Macbook device. If you have questions or concerns about the tutorial, please contact scpub@illinois.edu. … -
From Cadence Cordell
A short tutorial about how to download corpuses and other text files into AntConc. If you have questions or concerns about this tutorial, please contact… -
From Cadence Cordell
A short tutorial about how to download AntConc onto a Windows device. If you have questions or concerns about the tutorial, please contact scpub@illinois.edu. … -
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing the way that we write and research. But how do these tools work? And what do we need to know in order to use them ethically… -
From Mary Ton
| 388 388 playsThis is a short introduction to how tools like ChatGPT use artificial intelligence to generate text. It is part of the Canvas module "AI in This Course: a Module… -
From Rebecca Thurber
What are some ways to identify minute differences between multiple translations of the same text? How might DH tools aid in analysis of literature in translation? This… -
From Jim Wentworth
A presentation on writing assignments in the Age of AI led by University of Illinois Rhetoric Program faculty. Kristi McDuffie is the Director of Rhetoric and oversees… -
From Michael Curtin
Innovation Coordinator Michael Curtin walks folks through using OpenAI's ChatGPT as a co-creator in creative endeavors!
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