From Reynaldo Pagura
Ever since he started his writing career in 1995, his works not only have received great attention from the Korean public, but also have been published in different… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Speaker: Rony Gao Recorded for: TIP Virtual Practice, January 2023 Difficulty level: 4.0 out of 5 Glossary: 稀土 rare earth 内蒙古包头市 Baotou (a city in… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 88697124069 UUID: lzh6R3NhRG+hspVUl3mrtQ== Meeting Time: 2024-11-20 11:54:36pmGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 89106848935 UUID: XH5xstIFQaektBd/LA3eYQ== Meeting Time: 2024-11-19 09:57:22pmGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 89106848935 UUID: XH5xstIFQaektBd/LA3eYQ== Meeting Time: 2024-11-19 09:57:22pmGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
「如果這個世界上只有你一個人,那你的名字、學經歷、獲獎經歷都沒有意義的時候,你會選擇用什麼樣的方式生活?」 為了過自己真正想要的生活,陳秀娟在四十歲時毅然決然重新選擇了計程車司機的工作。 因為她認為,世界上最該愛自己的人就是自己,唯獨當你愛自己的時候,你才會知道什麼是快樂的生活著,並且影響身邊的人。 … -
From Reynaldo Pagura
呱吉在40歲時,毅然決然出資創立了影片工作室,一圓自己的夢想。呱吉人生的每一個腳步看似瘋狂而無法預期,許多經驗與考驗卻串連在一起,他將在這次的演講當中,與大家分享其人生不同階段的經歷,是如何彼此交織,又如何牽引出一張精彩絢麗的人生藍圖。 知名 Youtuber,影片工作室「上班不要看」創辦人。曾在迪士尼、madhead 等知名娛樂… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
40 歲的藥罐子,65 歲肌肉流失...,如何克服重重難關?陳月卿有著摩爾福斯式的探索 分析精神,查閱資料,透過觀察和專業知識體系來解決問題。營養、愛、信仰貫穿陳 月卿後半生,作為健康倡議家,以自己為樣本, 影響他人。藉由健康營養多元視角告訴 我們,營養健康不是只是做菜,更重要的是要擁有健康的生活方式,自己才是健康的 最大責任人。… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Speaker: Alonso Coronado Recorded at: TIP virtual practice in November, 2024 Title: Chinese Migration in Mexico Language: Spanish (ES) Difficulty rating: 4… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 88203914056 UUID: MTc31PwDSGKmLxzBUGrfew== Meeting Time: 2024-11-14 12:00:00amGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
'Going by the book', 'South of the border', 'The big scene', 'No blood no tears', 'Silmido', 'The big… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
不是因為訓練成為廚師,而成為廚師而是成為廚師之後,才學會用料理來對這個世界有更多理解。 正視「廚師」這個身份,以此為基礎,才有更多對食材、風味、產地的探索,並進一步延伸出對人與環境的思考。Wes透過全植菜單的摸索,與團隊發生各種碰撞,再一次重新理解: Why We… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Camels - Ships of the Desert 沙漠之舟骆驼 Speaker: Rony Gao Recorded for: TIP virtual practice in November, 2024 Glossary: This is a general speech with no… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
In his speech Ryan shares his thoughts on how his personal growth is like a geological palimpsest where the structure is formed by the continuous superimposition of… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 89540535866 UUID: xYXiMQUTRa6YIpFemiy81g== Meeting Time: 2024-11-06 11:59:52pmGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 87809535719 UUID: s+axkVUESJu16BSs69n/Zg== Meeting Time: 2024-11-05 09:58:41pmGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Silkidoodle is an illustrator and writer of the cartoon book 'I’m not ok'. Since she lived in foreign countries, she had difficulty expressing her… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Is insomnia becoming more common in student community? Let's have a discover of the stress and causes of insomnia phenomenon in students.… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
2024 TEDxNanjingNo1HighSchool For more information, please follow our WeChat Official account "TEDxNJYZ" 中国古代汉语专业毕业,⼆⼗年间对中国书法、历史、哲学刻苦践⾏、思… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 87198102631 UUID: hQIHpjlrRmKx9k5ROG1TTQ== Meeting Time: 2024-10-30 10:47:40pmGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 87198102631 UUID: hQIHpjlrRmKx9k5ROG1TTQ== Meeting Time: 2024-10-30 10:47:40pmGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 86377082200 UUID: uSBWT9G5TIesdj/7nT/KvQ== Meeting Time: 2024-10-29 08:54:06pmGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Zoom Recording ID: 86377082200 UUID: uSBWT9G5TIesdj/7nT/KvQ== Meeting Time: 2024-10-29 08:54:06pmGMT -
From Reynaldo Pagura
In questo speech Antonio Candela parla di prospettive come sentieri di opportunità. Si rivolge alla comunità esortando i giovani, in particolare, a… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Un hábito puede influir en toda nuestra rutina diaria hasta hacerse algo que hacemos automático. El 40% de nuestras acciones son hábitos que… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
미래를 상상하며 비현실적이라 여겨졌던 가정을 던지고 도전해온 과거의 실험들이 없었다면 현재 기술로의 발전은 불가능했을 것입니다. 이태현 건축가는 자연과 이어지는 건축에서 나아가, 자연을 모방하고 환경 문제를 회복시키는 도전을 해왔습니다. 현재의 사회를 건축에 담고 미래의 건축을 고민함으로써 세상의 더… -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Speaker: Rony Gao Recorded for: TIP virtual practice in September 2024 Title: 好莱坞电影中的两种英雄 Two Types of Heroes in Hollywood Movies Difficulty: 4 … -
From Reynaldo Pagura
三橙传媒创始人陈一佳(Bianca Chen),前路透社财经记者和主持人,财经作家和纪录片导演,一直活跃在财经媒体圈,因为一次采访,开始重新思考希望让下一代接手怎样的世界。 … -
From Reynaldo Pagura
Duan Yanran shares her thoughts on how Life is like a palimpsest. Is there anything in your life that you wish to re-write? Our past experiences shape who we are. The…