EXT MarCom: A Checklist for Your Extension Blogs on Drupal 9
From Extension
From Extension
Ensure every blog article has a Spotlight
Image sized 730 x 400 pixels with limited/no text. The Banner image is
optional. If you choose to use a banner image, be aware the image will be very
narrow. Add alt text.
Remove photos from inside text sections, especially
at the beginning of blogs so they don’t overlap the Spotlight photo.
Add the Parent Blog Name section by
beginning to type the name of your blog. It will auto-populate the blog. You
need to do this for every new blog.
List appropriate keywords specific to the
blog content. Keywords determine the “Related Content” list of blogs
Check and correct previous links that may
lead to deleted pages or discontinued legacy websites.
Change any naked URLs to hyperlinked text.
Add any appropriate H2, H3, or H4 headings.
Cool things to try in your blogs
Be selective with your keyword choice if you want specific content to show up in the related content section.
You can add buttons inside rich text. Use with caution. Really CAUTION.
1. Create the hyperlink first.
2. Click inside the linked text and select “Styles”
3. Choose the color/style of button.
Associate specific text with specific photos.
1. Size your images consistently to 1200 x 880 pixels.
2. Choose Add Image Text Row from the drop down menu beneath the initial basic text box.
3. Select which alignment you want for the photo and the proportion of the photo on the page (25%, 33%, 50%)
4. If you add a subtitle, it acts as an H2
5. Add the text you want associated with the photo.
Choose Image Row to highlight up to three photos with captions.
1. Size your images consistently to 1200 x 880 pixels.
2. Choose Add Image Row.
3. Upload the image with alt text. You may wish to add the photo credit to the photo. This is for internal use only. This does not show in the published page.
4. Add an appropriate caption.
5. Repeat up to two additional times for a total of three photos.
Choose Image Gallery if you have several images to add. For these images, captions only show when they’ve been clicked on and open.
1. If possible, size images consistently so they appear proportional when launched. An appropriate size is 1200 x 880.
2. Choose add Image Gallery.
3. Add a title, subtitle and description of what is included in the photo gallery.
4. Click Add new File to upload an image.
5. Use the Title block under the image for the caption. The caption will only show when the photo has been clicked.
If you wish the blog remain unpublished until a specific advanced date, use the Scheduling Options
1. Enter a date you want the blog to be published.
2. This date should match the Posted On field at the bottom of the blog.
If you use the Posted On field and post an advanced date, the blog will not show up in your list of current blogs, but it will be visible for anyone with the link and will show up in the list of “Related Content.”
Presenter: Judy Bingman
The morning of Wednesday 8 January, we updated the look and feel of Kaltura videos by moving from Player 2 to Player 7. The new player has a cleaner look, some improvements to controls, and a new transcript viewer. Also thanks to the upgrade we can now allow owners and co-editors of videos with two feeds to download *both* recordings from the mediaspace website.
As of the upgrade and going forward all videos play on mediaspace in the new player. Also since the upgrade any video you embed in Canvas or elsewhere, with the built-in tools in Canvas or the embed code from mediaspace, will play with the new player. However, any videos embedded anywhere before the update will continue to play in Player 2.
To take advantage of the new player, and use a fully-supported player, we urge you to re-embed videos in Canvas or elsewhere, retracing the steps you took the first time.
For more information on updating your links to take advantage of the new player: https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/146970 For more information on viewing media with the new player: https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/146972