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View Chat Session] On May 23, our IL FAST Center webinar build's upon April's webinar and shared several key takeaways and strategies for drafting a winning proposal. The session provided a discussion of both pre-proposal and proposal work related to preparing a Phase I proposal. During the pre-proposal section, Kris dives into details about finding a funding opportunity, key elements of an ideal SBIR/STTR project, how to engage with the agency, and the importance of building a solid team. During the proposal section, Kris shared about common pitfalls in Phase I proposals, an overview of common major proposal sections, the importance of milestones, and a discussion of other proposal sections all Phase I applicants will encounter. For those new to SBIR/STTR, this will provide many points to consider as you prepare your next proposal. For those who are experienced in the program, this workshop will provide an opportunity to get a fresh look at ways to approach key sections of SBIR/STTR proposals.
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