UIC's Red Migration to Pantheon
From ITPF Zoom3
From ITPF Zoom3
Hello, and welcome to UIC's Red Migration to Pantheon. One of our responsibilities in our vast technical landscape in Technology Solutions is to ensure all public facing sites have reliable infrastructure and modular feature development workflow on UIC's Red (https://red.uic.edu). Currently, Red hosts 38,000 pages that composes 800+ sites on a WordPress Multisite running on Pantheon. In this presentation, we will focus on why we chose Pantheon, the migration from an on-prem CentOS server to Pantheon, the communication to the campus, what we learned, and our future work. After this presentation, our hope is you have a clear understanding of the advantages and drawbacks so you can make an educated decision if Pantheon is right for you.
The morning of Wednesday 8 January, we updated the look and feel of Kaltura videos by moving from Player 2 to Player 7. The new player has a cleaner look, some improvements to controls, and a new transcript viewer. Also thanks to the upgrade we can now allow owners and co-editors of videos with two feeds to download *both* recordings from the mediaspace website.
As of the upgrade and going forward all videos play on mediaspace in the new player. Also since the upgrade any video you embed in Canvas or elsewhere, with the built-in tools in Canvas or the embed code from mediaspace, will play with the new player. However, any videos embedded anywhere before the update will continue to play in Player 2.
To take advantage of the new player, and use a fully-supported player, we urge you to re-embed videos in Canvas or elsewhere, retracing the steps you took the first time.
For more information on updating your links to take advantage of the new player: https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/146970 For more information on viewing media with the new player: https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/146972