From Michael Miller 2/5/2016
62 | 34:45duration 34 minutes 45 seconds
Mechanics of Adherent Cells
From Michael Miller 2/4/2016
37 | 13:03duration 13 minutes 3 seconds
Correlating Topology, Geometry, and Mechanics in…
Correlating Topology, Geometry, and Mechanics in Tissue Monolayers
43 | 29:33duration 29 minutes 33 seconds
Mechanosensing of glial cells triggers immune…
Mechanosensing of glial cells triggers immune response in the CNS
28 | 31:37duration 31 minutes 37 seconds
Beyond gel-to-gel combat: A high(er)-throughput…
Beyond gel-to-gel combat: A high(er)-throughput platform for quantifying matrix biophysical control of cell behavior
86 | 25:12duration 25 minutes 12 seconds
Cells and viscoelasticity
16 | 29:48duration 29 minutes 48 seconds
Synaptic tension - possible force connection to…
Synaptic tension - possible force connection to memory and learning
17 | 30:26duration 30 minutes 26 seconds
Encoded biophysical information from actomyosin…
Encoded biophysical information from actomyosin contractility can trigger discrete biochemical and cellular events
15 | 21:33duration 21 minutes 33 seconds
Modeling signaling and sensing in cancer:…
Modeling signaling and sensing in cancer: Implications for Global Health
33 | 26:47duration 26 minutes 47 seconds
Mechanical signaling in epithelial mesenchymal…
Mechanical signaling in epithelial mesenchymal transition
15 | 23:35duration 23 minutes 35 seconds
Modeling of Cortical Bone Adaptation due to…
Modeling of Cortical Bone Adaptation due to Mechanical Loading