Search for tag: "mechanobiology"

Think Globally, Act Locally

Deborah Leckband, UIUC

From  Michael Miller 28 plays 0  

Substrate regulation of structural order and beating strain dynamics of single cardiomyocytes

Samuel Safran, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

From  Michael Miller 9 plays 0  

Cell-material chemomechanics: Pulling it all together

Krystyn Van Vliet, MIT

From  Michael Miller 35 plays 0  

Nano- and micro-scale platforms for analyzing cell-ECM interactions: collective cell migration, chemoprotective adhesion, and tumor cell invasion

Andrew Holle, Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany

From  Michael Miller 36 plays 0  

Shear-Mediated Platelet Activation

Mechanotransduction in the Free Flow: A Vital Mechanism in Thrombosis of Cardiovascular Therapeutic Implant Systems Marvin Slepian, University of Arizona

From  Michael Miller 19 plays 0  

Molecular-Level Rigidity Sensing in Metastasis

Mike Sheetz, Columbia University; National University of Singapore, Singapore

From  Michael Miller 49 plays 0  

Decoupled Control of Extracellular Matrix Properties: Cancer Microenvironment

Hyunjoon Kong, UIUC

From  Michael Miller 25 plays 0  

A mechanical role for extracellular matrix during early eye morphogenesis

Larry Taber, Washington University

From  Michael Miller 16 plays 0  

Combinatorial signals regulating liver differentiation

Gregory Underhill, UIUC

From  Michael Miller 14 plays 0  

Cancer & Inflammation Pharmacology

Tim Mitchison, Harvard University

From  Michael Miller 18 plays 0  

Transient interactions involving interstitial flow and cell migration or vascular sprouting

Roger Kamm, MIT

From  Michael Miller 27 plays 0  

Filopodia tip: chemical and mechanical sensors

Patricia Bassereau, Institut Curie, France

From  Michael Miller 20 plays 0  

Cancer cell migration in 3D

Denis Wirtz, John’s Hopkins University

From  Michael Miller 39 plays 0  

Nanostructure Modulation of Transepithelial Transport and Tight Junction Mechanics

Tejal Desai, University of California, San Francisco

From  Michael Miller 16 plays 0  

T cell mechanoimmunology at the molecular level

Cheng Zhu, Georgia Institute of Technology

From  Michael Miller 33 plays 0  

Cell-Matrix interactions in fibrosis and cancer: multiscale mechano-chemical models

Vivek Shenoy, University of Pennsylvania

From  Michael Miller 51 plays 0  

Cell Mechanics and Cell Volume

David Weitz, Harvard University

From  Michael Miller 41 plays 0  

Mechanical Regulation of the Cytoskeleton

Daniel Fletcher, University of California at Berkeley

From  Michael Miller 30 plays 0  

Nuclear mechanics and genome regulation

GV Shivashankar, National University of Singapore, Singapore

From  Michael Miller 21 plays 0  

Cells feel their microenvironment and and remodel their nucleus

Dennis Discher, University of Pennsylvania

From  Michael Miller 55 plays 0  

Forcing the nucleus of a living cell to respond

Ning Wang, UIUC

From  Michael Miller 36 plays 0  

Dissecting the control circuit for cell migration

Yu-li Wang, Carnegie Mellon University

From  Michael Miller 13 plays 0  

Mechanics of cancer cell invasion in vivo

Peter Friedl, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands; MD Anderson Cancer Center

From  Michael Miller 178 plays 0  

Aspects of cellular dynamics: hydraulics, motility and decision-making

L. Mahadevan, Harvard University

From  Michael Miller 22 plays 0