Fall 2024 IT Pro Forum Keynote: How to Shine Bright and Avoid Burnout
From ITPF Zoom1
From ITPF Zoom1
Director of IT Partners, College of Applied Health Sciences
Join us for an insightful keynote about the essential strategies for
juggling multiple responsibilities. As technology professionals in
higher education, we often have to be innovative and do more with less.
Our roles are impactful, but they can also be demanding and overwhelming
at times. Candice has specifically tailored this talk for technology
professionals in higher education and will provide preventive tips to
help you avoid feeling over or underwhelmed with daily work. Whether
your role involves working behind the scenes or engaging directly with
students, faculty, and staff, you’ll gain valuable insights on how to
stay energized and productive. Take advantage of this opportunity to
learn how to shine bright without burning out!
The morning of Wednesday 8 January, we updated the look and feel of Kaltura videos by moving from Player 2 to Player 7. The new player has a cleaner look, some improvements to controls, and a new transcript viewer. Also thanks to the upgrade we can now allow owners and co-editors of videos with two feeds to download *both* recordings from the mediaspace website.
As of the upgrade and going forward all videos play on mediaspace in the new player. Also since the upgrade any video you embed in Canvas or elsewhere, with the built-in tools in Canvas or the embed code from mediaspace, will play with the new player. However, any videos embedded anywhere before the update will continue to play in Player 2.
To take advantage of the new player, and use a fully-supported player, we urge you to re-embed videos in Canvas or elsewhere, retracing the steps you took the first time.
For more information on updating your links to take advantage of the new player: https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/146970 For more information on viewing media with the new player: https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/146972