Search for tag: "active learning"

Question Dissection: You Asked for It

Have you ever asked your students a question…

From  David Favre 8 plays 0  

Designing Cooperative Learning Experiences

Have you ever been part of a group learning…

From  David Favre 6 plays 0  

Active Learning in iFLEX Interactive Classrooms

iFLEX stands for Illinois Flexible Learning…

From  Ava Wolf 1,530 plays 0  

Employing Active Learning Strategies in Large Math Courses pt 1

The Math department teaches calculus on a large…

From  Justin York 276 plays 0  

Employing Active Learning Strategies in Large Math Courses pt 2

The Math department teaches calculus on a large…

From  Justin York 64 plays 0  

Active Learning in Large Courses pt 1

Brad, an instructor for MCB 150 (a class of over…

From  Justin York 62 plays 0  

Active Learning in Large Courses pt 2

Brad, an instructor for MCB 150 (a class of over…

From  Justin York 45 plays 0  

Active Learning in Large Courses pt 3

Brad, an instructor for MCB 150 (a class of over…

From  Justin York 48 plays 0  

Engaging Students Through Active Learning: Experiences from the Small Classroom pt1

Catharine Gray, Associate Professor of English,…

From  Justin York 31 plays 0  

Engaging Students Through Active Learning: Experiences from the Small Classroom pt2

Catharine Gray, Associate Professor of English,…

From  Justin York 53 plays 0  

Engaging Students Through Active Learning: Experiences from the Small Classroom pt3

Catharine Gray, Associate Professor of English,…

From  Justin York 57 plays 0  

Instructional Strategies pt1

Brad discusses his experiences teaching a large…

From  Justin York 24 plays 0  

Instructional Strategies pt2

Brad discusses his experiences teaching a large…

From  Justin York 5 plays 0  

Instructional Strategies pt3

Brad discusses his experiences teaching a large…

From  Justin York 10 plays 0  

Instructional Strategies pt4

Brad discusses his experiences teaching a large…

From  Justin York 8 plays 0  

Instructional Strategies pt5

Brad discusses his experiences teaching a large…

From  Justin York 16 plays 0  

ClassTranscribe - Transforming Lecture Videos into Student-Driven, Student-Owned Learning

Lawrence Angrave, Computer Science instructor,…

From  Cheelan Bo-Linn 366 plays 0  

Some Helpful Things

Ju Tian, Agricultural & Biological…

From  Robert Baird 140 plays 0