Ishva Minefee welcomes students to Capstone.
Strategic Leadership and Management: High Engagement Welcome Video with Professor Sandra Corredor
Exploring alternatives to collaborative problem-solving and just mitigation planning in Loíza, Puerto Rico
Date of creation
4/28/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Desiree Pastrana Otero Contributors and team members
Desiree Pastrana Otero
Caitlin Hillyard | Master of Urban Planning thesis project | Spring 2021 This presentation explores the relationship between student rental housing and other
submarkets in Champaign-Urbana. I…
Date of creation
4/28/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Caitlin Hillyard Contributors and team members
Caitlin Hillyard
My personal reflection video on takeaways, things that surprised me about myself and the program as well as observations that I would like to tell myself when I started the program.
Date of creation
5/12/2020 5:00 AM
Date of creation
5/4/2020 5:00 AM
iMBA Capstone: Final Presentation Homework
iMBA Capstone: Raffin Case Homework
iMBA Capstone: Peer Review Homework
Ashish Khandelwal gives a brief overview of the course Business Analytics Capstone.
Ashish Khandelwal answers questions that were not answered during the webinar for the course Business Analytics Capstone.