Search for tag: "cimed-resp"

Cystic fibrosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

What is cystic fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder involving the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which causes complications in the lungs,…

From  J. P. Swigart 94 plays 0  

How to Interpret a Chest X-Ray (Lesson 1 - An Introduction)

An introduction to the interpretation of chest X-rays, covering the basic principles of using X-rays in medical imaging, as well as the conventional X-ray views (i.e. PA, lateral, and AP).

From  J. P. Swigart 43 plays 0  

Performing Pulmonary Function Tests

Demonstration of the performance of spirogram, lung volumes, and DLCO (carbon monoxide diffusion capacity) pulmonary function tests

From  Donald Greeley 57 plays 0  

SleepTesting, Carle Sleep Laboratory - Dr. Charles Davies

Detailed demonstration of equipment and methods for performing a polysomnogram sleep study - Dr. Charles Davies, Carle Sleep Laboratory

From  Donald Greeley 108 plays 0  

COPD - Diagnosis and Treatment

This video describes general approaches to diagnosis and treatment of COPD. It pairs with the video COPD - Etiologies and Pathology.

From  Donald Greeley 7 plays 0  

COPD - Etiologies and Pathology

Describes various entities which cause COPD. This video pairs with the video on COPD, Diagnosis and Treatment

From  Donald Greeley 9 plays 0  

Interstitial Lung Disease plus Normal Chest CT and PFT's - Take 2

Overview of Interstitial lung diseases plus discussion of normal structures on chest X-ray and chest CT scan

From  Donald Greeley 150 plays 0