04:46duration 4 minutes 46 seconds
Poster: Pediatric Simulation in Preclinical…
Poster: Pediatric Simulation in Preclinical Medical Education Using a High-Fidelity Patient Simulator and Standardized Patient
The role of high-fidelity patient simulators…
23:02duration 23 minutes 2 seconds
Performing Pulmonary Function Tests
Demonstration of the performance of spirogram,…
19:01duration 19 minutes 1 second
SleepTesting, Carle Sleep Laboratory - Dr.…
SleepTesting, Carle Sleep Laboratory - Dr. Charles Davies
Detailed demonstration of equipment and methods…
17:52duration 17 minutes 52 seconds
COPD - Diagnosis and Treatment
This video describes general approaches to…
17:05duration 17 minutes 5 seconds
COPD - Etiologies and Pathology
Describes various entities which cause COPD. …
44:10duration 44 minutes 10 seconds
Interstitial Lung Disease plus Normal Chest CT…
Interstitial Lung Disease plus Normal Chest CT and PFT's - Take 2
Overview of Interstitial lung diseases plus…