Search for tag: "community health"

Beyond the Gym Floor—Annie Picklesimer

Jamie O'Connor, a teaching associate professor at the University of Illinois, talks with Annie Picklesimer of Yankee Ridge Elementary School in Urbana.

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 35 plays 0  

A Few Minutes With Mina Raj

University of Illinois media relations specialist Vince Lara speaks with Kinesiology and Community Health assistant professor Mina Raj about her research agenda.

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 40 plays 0  

2020 AHS Virtual Convocation: Graduate Students

Dean Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell and department heads Amy Woods, Karen Iler Kirk and Carla Santos send their good wishes to the graduate students in the 2020 Class of the College of Applied Health Sciences…

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 199 plays 0  

Beyond the Gym Floor Episode 8—Allison Pentti

Jamie O'Connor, a Teaching Associate Professor in the College of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Illinois, speaks with Allison Pentti, department chair of physical education and…

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 43 plays 0  

A Few Minutes With Chelsea Singleton

AHS media relations specialist Vince Lara spends a few minutes with Chelsea Singleton, assistant professor in Kinesiology and Community health, to talk about her research on the influence on food…

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 12 plays 0  

Beyond the Gym Floor with Justin Barnhart

Jamie O'Connor, a Teaching Associate Professor in the College of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Illinois, speaks with Justin Barnhart, Assistant Athletic Director at Centennial…

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 30 plays 0  

A Few Minutes With Naiman Khan

Kinesiology and Community Health assistant professor Naiman Khan speaks with AHS media relations specialist Vince Lara about his research on the impact of diet on cognitive health.

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 33 plays 0  

A Few Minutes With Neha Gothe

Vince Lara in the communications department of the College of Applied Health Sciences spends a few minutes with Kinesiology and Community Health assistant professor Neha Gothe to discuss her research…

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 57 plays 0  

A Few Minutes With Kevin Richards

Kinesiology and Community Health assistant professor Kevin Richards spends a Few Minutes With AHS media relations specialist Vince Lara and speaks about his pedagogy research and the socialization of…

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 64 plays 0  

A Few Minutes With ... KCH assistant professor Manuel Hernandez

AHS media relations specialist Vince Lara speaks with KCH assistant professor Manuel Hernandez about his research and the inaugural MS Research Day at the University of Illinois.

From  Vince Lara-Cinisomo 18 plays 0