Search for tag: "courses"

Tutorial: Adjust Settings on PyCharm Professional

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From  Kevin Trainor 103 plays 0  

Tutorial: Install PyCharm Professional on Windows - REV Spring 2024

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From  Kevin Trainor 98 plays 0  

Tutorial: Create Anaconda Virtual Environment on Windows - REV Spring 2024

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From  Kevin Trainor 99 plays 0  

Tutorial: Install PyCharm Professional on macOS - REV Spring 2024

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From  Kevin Trainor 118 plays 0  

The Importance of Visual Design in Online Courses

When it comes to online courses, beauty is more than skin deep. Studies have shown that the aesthetics of an online course are important factors in motivating students to engage and persist in the…

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From  Rachel Martiniak 2 plays 0  

MCB 465 Human Metabolic Disease (advanced course video)

Interview with Sayee Anakk regarding her course, MCB 465.

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From  Tina Knox 44 plays 0  

BIOP 401: Introduction to Biophysics (advanced course video)

Professor Nicholas Wu discusses his course BIOP 401: Introduction to Biophysics

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From  Christine des Garennes 58 plays 0  

MCB 314: Introduction to Neurobiology (advanced course video)

Professor Dan Llano discusses his course MCB 314: Introduction to Neurobiology

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From  Christine des Garennes 67 plays 0  

MCB 431 - Microbial Physiology

Examines bacterial physiology, including discussions of energetics, regulation of metabolism, and cell structure.

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From  Tina Knox 98 plays 0  

MCB 424 - Microbial Biochemistry

Examines the biochemical ecology of diverse microbial groups with emphasis on anaerobic systems.

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From  Tina Knox 58 plays 0  

MCB 436- Global Biosecurity

Designed to provide students with broad coverage of key areas of scientific, legal, social, ethical, and political aspects of biosecurity, emphasizing current problems and research in the areas of…

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From  Tina Knox 31 plays 0  

MCB 493 EPI - Epigenetics

This course will cover the field of epigenetics that seeks to explain how long-lasting changes in cellular and organismal traits can occur through non-genetic, environmentally responsive mechanisms.…

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From  Tina Knox 68 plays 0  

MCB 435 - Evolution of Infectious Diseases

Understanding the evolution and ecology of the microbial world is of great importance to human health and the health of our planet. Students will explore the ecology and evolution principles that…

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From  Tina Knox 44 plays 0  

MCB 428 - Microbial Pathogens Laboratory

Laboratory study of methods of recognition and differentiation, diagnostic tests, and mechanisms of bacterial and viral pathogenesis. Topics include infections of the urinary tract, respiratory…

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From  Tina Knox 22 plays 0  

MCB 300 - Microbiology

Emphasizes fundamental concepts of microbiology, including nutrition, physiology, genetics, molecular biology, ecology and evolution of microorganisms, and their role in nature, human health and…

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From  Tina Knox 159 plays 0  

MCB 410 - Developmental Biology, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

Survey of molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in development and growth of animals, as well as recent advancement in stem cell and Regenerative medicine research. Topics to be covered include…

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From  Tina Knox 62 plays 0  

MCB 471 - Cell Structure and Dynamics

Molecular basis of cellular organization focusing on how cells secrete, move, adhere, divide, communicate, and die. Material will emphasize critical analysis of experiments, current controversies and…

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From  Tina Knox 29 plays 0  

BIOC 440 - Physical Chemistry Principles

One-term course in physical chemistry emphasizing topics most important to students in the biological and agricultural sciences. Not open to students in the specialized curricula in chemistry and…

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From  Tina Knox 32 plays 0  

MCB 301: Experimental Microbiology

Laboratory emphasizing the fundamentals of microbiology. Topics include growth, isolation, and identification of bacteria; restriction endonuclease analysis of DNA, genetic cloning, and gene…

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From  Tina Knox 65 plays 0  

MCB 446 - Physical Biochemistry

Physical properties of biological macromolecules, with the emphasis on spectroscopic methods, including UV, visible and FTTR spectroscopies, magnetic resonance techniques as well as X-ray diffraction…

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From  Tina Knox 29 plays 0  

MCB 317 - Genetics and Genomics

Study of genetics as a discipline, genetic analysis as a tool to understand biology and the role of genome sciences in biology.

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From  Tina Knox 96 plays 0  

Minor in Sociology

This video goes over the requirements for completing a minor in Sociology.

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From  Claudia Sova 3 plays 0  

BIOC 455: Techniques in Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Introduction to modern methods of experimentation with biochemical experimentation. Lectures and labs on the theory and practices underlying various methods and instrumentation. Includes protein…

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From  Tina Knox 61 plays 0  

NEUR 414: Brain, Learning and Memory

Dr. Hinman talks about the details of the class.

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From  Tina Knox 55 plays 0