This video introduces the concept of organizational culture, providing useful frameworks for considering the characteristics of work environments that are important to you. (Created by LAS Career…
Date of creation
10/16/2022 5:00 AM Video credits
LAS Career Services Contributors and team members
Julia Makela
This panel brings together dance and theater artists and arts managers based in Africa, Europe, and the Americas to discuss key conditions of their work in this “global” profession. What…
Date of creation
3/5/2022 6:00 AM Video credits
Tim Pollack
Lila Ann Dodge
Steven Witt
Roxane D’Orléans Juste
Auguste Ouédraogo
Bienvenue Bazié
Debby Kajiyama
José Ome Navarrete Mazatl
Salamata Kobré
François Bouda Contributors and team members
Maria Dorofeeva
Donna Tonini
Atyeh Ashtari
Your grandma's famous blackberry pie recipe has nothing on this. Learn how to create an awesome people-first culture using tactics and strategies AITS has put to the test. We'll discuss…
Date of creation
11/4/2021 9:44 PM
“Food Culture from Near and Far: Stories of Identity and Belonging
(A Welcoming Week Online Panel Discussion)” - a Welcoming
Week conversation (2021 WW theme: “Belonging…
Date of creation
9/17/2021 12:00 AM Contributors and team members
Clara M. Chu
Merin Oleschuk
Mubanga Chanda
Julianna Jung
Jackie Aguilar
Stephanie Halmhofer, Alex Fitzpatrick | "There is Power in the Past: The Politicization of Archaeology and Heritage in the Star Wars Universe"Owen Morawitz & Nick van Buuren |…
Date of creation
5/6/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Digital Frontiers Contributors and team members
Stephanie Halmhofer
Alex Fitzpatrick
Owen Morawitz
Nick van Buuren
Kaiya Schroeder
Bridgitte Barclay | Snow Lizards, Space Cowboys, and Missing Twins: Leigh Brackett’s Contributions to The Empire Strikes Back (08:26) Andrew Hageman | Reyduce, Reyuse, Reycycle: The EcoPolitics…
Date of creation
5/5/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Digital Frontiers Contributors and team members
Bridgitte Barclay
Chera Kee
Andrew Hageman
Presented at Realizing Resistance Episode II: Uncharted Galaxies, an interdisciplinary conference on the Star Wars universe, a Digital Frontiers satellite event. The event was sponsored by the UIUC…
Date of creation
5/5/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Digital Frontiers Contributors and team members
Nichole Nomura
Mark Algee-Hewitt
Quinn Dombrowski
Matt Warner
The massive collections of UI's Rare Book & Manuscript Library include a significant collection of film and television scripts, storyboards, press kits, and more. Dr. Cait Coker shared…
Date of creation
5/6/2021 5:00 AM Video credits
Digital Frontiers Contributors and team members
Cait Coker
Spencer D. C. Keralis
Karolina Ozog works on Jewish historical sites at the Historical Museum of the City of Kraków. Recently, she has been working with her colleagues to memorialize Concentration Camp Plaszow,…
Date of creation
11/9/2020 6:00 AM Video credits
Jewish Studies Contributors and team members
Jewish Studies
Luis Macas Ecuadoran Indigenous Leader and Human Rights Activist Global Studies Initiative
Pervez Hoodbhoy Professor of Nuclear Physics Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, Chairman of Mashal Organization: Global Studies Initiative
The Muslim Within: Reflections on the Islamic Dimension of Western Identity Speaker(s): Anouar Majid Organization: Center for Global Humanities, University of New England
Kaltura Media Engine Update - 3 November 2016 IT Pro Forum 2016 This is the first part of the talk, the last 25 minutes were an overview of CaptureSpace, a media creation tool. CaptureSpace was…