Search for tag: "data management"
Data Vs. Gut: A Holistic Approach to Data-Driven Decision-MakingWorkshop description: If you are a content creator looking to improve your engagement on social and digital platforms and want to understand how data-driven decision-making can help you reach your…
From uofiwebcon
19 plays
5A - Transforming data into an asset - Spring 2021 IT Pro ForumPresented by: Mary Stevens, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Tracy Smith, Technology Sevices; Joe Barnes; Phil ReiterData can be a valuable asset for any organization. There are challenges…
From ITPF Zoom1
8 plays
Kaltura Media Engine Update - 3 November 2016Kaltura Media Engine Update - 3 November 2016 IT Pro Forum 2016 This is the first part of the talk, the last 25 minutes were an overview of CaptureSpace, a media creation tool. CaptureSpace was…
From Drew MacGregor
118 plays