Search for tag: "family"

One Story: UIUC Ph. D. Student, Byron Juma, Recreation, Sport & Tourism

Meet Byron Juma, a University of Illinois…

+20 More
From  BRANDON Stauffer 12 plays 0  

Burnout Syndrome in Healthcare Professionals | Autumn Health Picks

In this session, learn to identify burnout,…

From  Jake Keister 9 plays 0  

What are the Facts? Dispelling Diet Culture and Nutrition Science Myths | Autumn Health Picks

Diet culture is all around us, telling us we are…

From  Jake Keister 22 plays 0  

Imposter Syndrome of the Health Professional | Autumn Health Picks

From within the academic community to the halls…

From  Jake Keister 38 plays 0  

Aromatherapy in Brain Health: Facts vs. Fiction | Autumn Health Picks

Aromatherapy has become increasingly popular due…

From  Jake Keister 34 plays 0  

Coffee and Chocolate: Consumer Preferences, Sensory Properties, and Health Impacts | Autumn Health Picks

Coffee and chocolate are both products that seem…

From  Jake Keister 46 plays 0  

Pharmaceutical Drugs: From Development to Medicine Cabinet | Autumn Health Picks

Unpack the basic science behind the drug…

From  Jake Keister 57 plays 0  

Springtime Science | The Impact of Cutting Physical Activity Opportunities in Schools

In the past two decades, particularly after the…

From  Jake Keister 8 plays 0  

Springtime Science 2022 - Information Overload: How Being Too Informed is Hurting the Health of the World

We live in a world where most of today's…

From  uie-zoom-fcs2 7 plays 0  

IMAGINE STEM Saturday Orientation

Kick-off orientation for students and families…

+2 More
From  Lara Hebert 14 plays 0  

Sites and Sounds: Auditory Components into the Memorialization of the Plazsow WWII Forced Labor/Concentration Camp

Karolina Ozog works on Jewish historical sites at…

From  Heidi Bidner 21 plays 0  


Video educacional sobre el trastorno de…

+4 More
From  Andrea Fanta Alarcon 0 plays 0  


Sensory processing disorder. The second video for…

+3 More
From  Andrea Fanta Alarcon 0 plays 0  


Video educativo para padres y educadores sobre…

+4 More
From  Andrea Fanta Alarcon 0 plays 0  

Mindful Moments - Glitter Jar

Mindful Moments - Glitter Jar

From  Herbert Chavez Diaz 24 plays 0  

Mindful Moments - Gratitude Practice

Mindful Moments - Gratitude Practice

From  Herbert Chavez Diaz 16 plays 0  

Mindful Moments - Mindful Listening

Mindful Moments - Mindful Listening

From  Herbert Chavez Diaz 3 plays 0  

Mindful Moments - Infinity Breathing

Mindful Moments - Infinity Breathing

From  Herbert Chavez Diaz 15 plays 0  

Mindful Moments - Mindful Eating

Mindful Moments - Mindful Eating

From  Herbert Chavez Diaz 21 plays 0  

Who gets grandma's yellow pie plate? - Discover Wellness

Almost all individuals have valued personal…

+1 More
From  Chelsey Byers 86 plays 0  

Champaign’s Community Schools Initiative

The Champaign Unit 4 School District success…

From  Kevin Dolan 20 plays 0  

West Chicago Elementary School District 33: Turner Elementary School

West Chicago Elementary School District 33…

From  Kevin Dolan 151 plays 0  

Colona Grade School

Students and their families at Colona Grade…

From  Kevin Dolan 207 plays 0  

IL-FSS: East Aurora School District’s Parent Cafés

A families and school engagement success story is…

From  Kevin Dolan 274 plays 0