Search for tag: "iolab"
Neodymium Magnet Field DirectionUsing the magnetometer to figure out the direction of the magnetic field produced by your little neodymium magnet.
From Mats Selen
3,618 plays
Moving Magnet Induces EMFMoving a magnet up and down in a loop of wire induces an EMF in the wire
From Mats Selen
3,474 plays
IOLabRootDirThis video has no sound. It shows how to set the IOLabRootDir environment in Windows variable to have the IOLab-Workfiles folder created in a specified location rather than the default Documents…
From Mats Selen
11 plays
Finding V1 - V2Shows how to take repository data of V1 and V2 and create a plot of V1-V2 using Excel.
From Mats Selen
201 plays
Bouncing PenShows how to measure the time between bounces even when they happen very quickly.
From Mats Selen
2,429 plays