Search for tag: "las career services"
WhatMakesUpACareerChoice-CIP-Spring2023This video explores key components of career decision making. Knowing what makes up a career choice helps us identify specific places to focus to effectively address career problems.(Created by LAS…
From Julia Makela
0 plays
TacklingTheMessyProblemOfCareerExploration-DesignThinking-Spring2023This video introduces Design Thinking, one helpful approach to understanding the messy problem of career exploration.(Created by LAS Career Services)
From Julia Makela
0 plays
Career Conversation: Kirstin Wilcox, Director, LAS Career ServicesGamma Theta Upsilon welcomed LAS Career Services Director Kirstin Wilcox to discuss how LAS Career Services can help LAS students find and apply for internships, and plan strategically for…
From Michael Minn
1 plays
The World of Work: Understanding the building blocks of occupation, organization, and industryThis video introduces key concepts about the World of Work, demonstrating relationships between college majors, skills sets, occupations, organzations, and industries. Learn how major does not equal…
From Julia Makela
23 plays