Guest Lecture: Learning 3D Representations for Autonomous Driving, Shenlong WangSelf-driving vehicles will bring us safer, cleaner, and more convenient transportation. To make this dream come true, we need our autonomous system to perceive dynamic 3D surrounding environments and…
From Sayan Mitra
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47 plays
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Localization using particle filteringLocalization using particle filtering
From Sayan Mitra
| 775
775 plays
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Final project presentations (Day 1)Project keywords: Multi-Pedestrian (Crowd) Detection and Path Prediction;Auto parking; Lane detection using electromagnetic signature;Implementation of Fast and Safe Controller Synthesis;Hand and…
From Sayan Mitra
| 51
51 plays
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5/4/2020 5:00 AM
Chengyue Wang, Rishi Masand, Byndoor Sreyas Fengmao Zheng, Nathaniel Cueto Andrew Gacek, Sachindra Dahal, Tingrui Guan Gregory Kim, Dhruv Mathur, Kristina Miller Abhay Patel, Raghava Ravi Karthikeyan Sundaram, Chuyuan Tao Hebron Taylor, James Timotiwu Sidiq Kaddo
Chengyue Wang, Rishi Masand, Byndoor Sreyas Fengmao Zheng, Nathaniel Cueto Andrew Gacek, Sachindra Dahal, Tingrui Guan Gregory Kim, Dhruv Mathur, Kristina Miller Abhay Patel, Raghava Ravi Karthikeyan Sundaram, Chuyuan Tao Hebron Taylor, James Timotiwu Sidiq Kaddo |