Search for tag: "mentoring"
Wellness Re-Imagined: Development of a Novel Peer Mentoring ProgramThe Carle Illinois College of Medicine Wellness Committee launched a new initiative in 2020. The Wellness Mentoring Program is a peer-to-peer mentoring program that targets nine areas of wellness,…
From Samantha Houser
12 plays
Bridging the Gap with Student PreceptorsMike Koerner, Chemistry, talks about using student preceptors - students who have successfully taken the class previously, to encourage social learning, give students access to peer mentors and model…
From Cheelan Bo-Linn
136 plays
Some Helpful ThingsJu Tian, Agricultural & Biological Engineering student, Y.C. Wong, Accountancy student, and Niknaz Iranmanesh, Chemistry student, talk about their experiences with active participation in a…
From Robert Baird
138 plays