Search for tag: "sciviz"
ACE Excerpt: Average Daily Temperature 2000 & 2100Visualization of Average daily temperature comparison from 2000 to 2100 from climate simulation models created by Susan Bates and team at NCAR, computed on NCSA's Blue Waters supercomputer and…
From Jeffrey Carpenter
7 plays
Hurricane Katrina Interactive Previsualization & Final RenderingA brief look at Bob Patterson working with Virtual Director & Partiview to create camera paths within the Hurricane Katrina data set for the fulldome show, Dynamic Earth
From Jeffrey Carpenter
23 plays
AVL-Adler Planetarium Networked Virtual CollaborationA short video created for Chicago Ideas Week showing a collaboration between NCSA's Advanced Visualization Lab and the Adler Planetarium. The two groups collaborated over the network using…
From Jeffrey Carpenter
9 plays
Landscape Dynamics of Yellowstone National Park - Role of Fire 1690 to 1990These images were created from actual data collected in Yellowstone Park. These images represent each year from 1735 to 2090 we had a simulation code project into the future starting in 1989,…
From Jeffrey Carpenter
97 plays
NumericalRelativity_BlackHoleSpaceTimes_88Maximally Sliced Schwarzchild Spacetime & Geodesically Sliced Schwarzchild Spacetime Investigators: David Hobill, David Bernstein, Larry Smarr Visual Research Artist: Donna Cox Visual Research…
From Jeffrey Carpenter
24 plays
Visualizing Black Hole Spacetimes_92Visualization: Mark Bajuk Investigators: Peter Anninos, David Bernstein, David Hobill, Edward Seidel, Larry Smarr, NCSA No audio created 7/1/92
From Jeffrey Carpenter
24 plays
Numerical Simulation of 3D Grazing Black Hole Collision v2Visualization of black holes created by Werner Benger & AEI Potsdam, NCSA, Washington U, ZIB visualization teams
From Jeffrey Carpenter
37 plays