Speaker: Alonso Coronado
Recorded at: TIP…
Date of creation
11/18/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
TIPs Contributors and team members
Alonso Coronado
Un hábito puede influir en toda nuestra…
Date of creation
10/28/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
TEDxCamelinasAve Contributors and team members
Johnny Abraham
Speaker: Camilo Villegas
Recorded at: TIP…
Date of creation
10/21/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
TIPS Contributors and team members
Camilo Villegas
Margarita nos habla sobre la importancia de…
Date of creation
10/14/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
TEDxManagua Contributors and team members
Margarita Pasos
Ayurveda - Indian Medicine
Date of creation
10/7/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
PIPs Contributors and team members
La polémica en torno a los nuevos libros…
Date of creation
10/1/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
TIPS Contributors and team members
Alonso Coronado
Hoy día es más fácil tener…
Date of creation
9/23/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
TEDxCadizUniversity Contributors and team members
Chipi Lozano
Javier ha dedicado toda su vida a defender las…
Date of creation
9/9/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
TEDxSanNicolas Contributors and team members
Javier Milei
Speaker: Camilo Rey Vegas
Recorded at: TIP…
Date of creation
9/2/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
TIP - Toronto Interpreters Practice Contributors and team members
Camilo Rey Vegas
Speaker: Eduardo Herrera-Velarde (guest speaker)…
Date of creation
8/27/2024 12:00 AM Video credits
Toronto Interpreters Practice Contributors and team members
Eduardo Herrera-Velarde
La Liebre y la Tortuga cuentos infantiles para…
Date of creation
2/19/2024 6:00 AM Video credits
Cuentos Infantiles en Español : https://goo.gl/rYviG8 Contributors and team members
Vocabulario: Reestructuración cognitiva…
Date of creation
10/24/2023 5:00 AM Video credits
REPRIS - Madrid Contributors and team members
Andrea Fernandez
Presentadora: Cristina Kühn, Gerente de…
Date of creation
5/2/2023 7:00 PM
Con esta charla, Mayra Arena nos propone una…
Date of creation
4/22/2023 5:00 AM Video credits
TEDxBahiaBlanca Contributors and team members
Mayra Arena
A veces no sabemos como nuestras palabras nos…
Date of creation
4/22/2023 5:00 AM Video credits
TEDxMorelia Contributors and team members
Rebeca Schürenkämper
Speaker: Jacqueline
Recorded for: TIP virtual…
Date of creation
4/17/2023 5:00 AM Video credits
TIPs Contributors and team members
Speech Title: Paralelos de Igualdad, Diversidad e…
Date of creation
4/17/2023 5:00 AM Video credits
TIPs Contributors and team members
Camilo Rey Vegas
Topic: Mexico and Its Indigenous Languages…
Date of creation
4/17/2023 5:00 AM Video credits
TIPS Contributors and team members
Keywords - histrión, Stanislawsky, Brecht,…
Date of creation
12/4/2022 6:00 AM Video credits
paris interpreters practice sessions Contributors and team members
Keywords - vadear ríos, bártulos,…
Date of creation
11/30/2022 6:00 AM Video credits
Paris interpreters practice sessions Contributors and team members
Mi historia como interprete
Date of creation
11/30/2022 6:00 AM Video credits
Paris interpreters practice sessions (PIPS) Contributors and team members
Miguel usa todo su conocimiento e ingenio para…
Date of creation
11/16/2022 6:00 AM Video credits
TEDxCuauhtémoc Contributors and team members
Miguel Alcubierre
Antonio con solo 8 anos no solo programa para que…
Date of creation
11/16/2022 6:00 AM Video credits
TEDxYouth@Valladolid Contributors and team members
Antonio Garcia Vicente
Vocabulario: Granjas verticales, carne…
Date of creation
11/9/2022 6:00 AM Video credits
REPRIS - Madrid Contributors and team members
Angélica Velazco