Search for tag: "simultaneous interpreting practice"

Il Cambiamento: una costante della vita. Ma ci vuole coraggio. | Federico Villani | TEDxMontalcino

Attraverso le delusioni e le difficoltà, possiamo acquisire esperienza e strumenti per andare oltre, per migliorare la nostra situazione e per migliorarci. Dobbiamo però essere…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 3 plays 0  

Il tuo cervello è pigro! Ma non è colpa tua | Mariano Diotto | TEDxCastelfrancoVeneto

Mariano Diotto ci rivela perchè il nostro cervello funziona come un sistema a risparmio energetico e quali sono gli impatti di questo comportamento sulla nostra vita quotidiana. Fornendo…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 4 plays 0  

Warum lernen!? Eine Frage als Antwort für eine bessere Bildung | Bob Blume | TEDxStuttgart

Bob Blume fragt sich, warum junge Menschen denken, dass sie in der Schule nichts nützliches gelernt haben. Das Thema beschäftigt mich seit nun mehr 10 Jahren und ich habe darüber…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 4 plays 0  

Pensare meno, pensare meglio | Sandra Sassaroli | TEDxLerici

How to deal with overthinking Sandra Sassaroli è medico e specialista in psichiatria dal 1979, successivamente si è formata in psicoterapia sistemica e in psicoterapia cognitiva e…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 4 plays 0  

La grande bellezza delle piccole cose | Sophie Minchilli | TEDxIschia

Sophie ci porta per mano in un percorso intimo attraverso i volti e le storie che hanno reso indissolubile il legame con le sue radici. Con lei reale e digitale si fondono nel racconto di…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 3 plays 0  

「物語」は最後の砦 / Narrative, the last pillar of emotion | Takanobu Kinjo | TEDxKeioU

病院で哲学者として働く経験および自身の喪失体験を介して、私たちが他者と共同著作する物語には、私たち亡き後も彼らの背中をそっと押す力があり、私たちはそのような「続いていく存在」になるべきだと強調した。 金城隆展 琉球大学病院 地域・国際医療部 臨床倫理士…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 4 plays 0  

ZH Speech: 5G - The Future is Here - Part 2

5G - The Future is Here Speaker: Rony Difficulty rating: 4.5 / 5 Recorded at: November 2019 TIPtensive Session Presentation Slides:…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 2 plays 0  

ZH Speech: 5G - The Future is Here - Part 1

5G - The Future is Here Speaker: Rony Difficulty rating: 4.5 / 5 Recorded at: November 2019 TIPtensive Session Presentation Slides:…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 2 plays 0  

ZH Speech: How to Deal with Climate Anxiety and Stay Optimistic 如何乐观应对气候焦虑

Speaker: Luyi Yang Recorded at: TIP virtual practice in November, 2023 Difficulty Rating: 3.5 Glossary: 温室效应 greenhouse effect 气候焦虑/生态焦虑 climate anxiety/eco-anxiety 美国心理学会 American…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 1 plays 0  

Why I Love Making Mistakes | 錯,就對了 | 謝怡芬 | Janet Hsieh | TEDxNeihu

After ten years, Janet returns to the TEDx stage! Along her journey as a travel show host, actor, wife, and mother, many participants have undoubtedly grown up together with her. While exuding…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 10 plays 0  

日本での経験から観た共創社会とは Co-creating society: A vision from Japan experience | Oussouby SACKO | TEDxKyoto


From  Reynaldo Pagura 4 plays 0  

文化を進化させること(Evolving Culture) | KITE海人 政井 | TEDxOshikaPark


From  Reynaldo Pagura 3 plays 0  

Zh Speech: Multi-level Marketing

Multi-Level Marketing Speaker: Luyi Yang Recorded at: Oct 2018 TIP session Glossary: 传销 multi-level marketing / MLM 庞氏骗局 Ponzi scheme 金字塔式骗局 pyramid scheme 直销 direct selling 下线…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 5 plays 0  

ZH Speech: the Electric Vehicle Industry in China

Speaker: Rony Recorded at: TIP January 2020 practice Difficulty Rating: 4 / 5 Glossary: Tesla’s Gigafactory in Shanghai 上海的特斯拉“超级工厂” Shenzhen 深圳 The World Intellectual…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 4 plays 0  

一瞬 で 惹き つける 声 を 出す方法 | (How to create a voice that attracts people in an instant) - Shigemitsu Hayashi | TEDxShinshuUniversity

多くの社会人・学生に求められるスピーチ力とコミュニケーション力。 「声と言葉」のプロフェッショナルがあなたに贈る、言葉ありきの現代社会を生き抜く術とは。 それは意外にも簡単な方法だった。 ヴォイスコンサルタント/スピーチ・コミュニケーション・プレゼンテーション トレーナー/ヴォイスコンサルティング MAKE UP VOICE 代表…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 7 plays 0  

O wpływie technologii oraz mediów społecznościowych (PL) - (About the impact of technology and social media)

Tekst dla tłumaczenia symultanicznego Słówka: szerokopasmowy internet, dr Rory Cellan-Jones, media społecznościowe, rozrywka elektroniczna, Zoom Video Communications, Skype, Instagram,…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 3 plays 0  

Intelligent Traffic Systems

Speaker: Luyi Yang Recorded at: TIP virtual practice October 2021 Difficulty Level: 3.5 out of 5. Glossary: 智慧城市 smart city 智能交通系统 intelligent traffic (management) system 数据挖掘 data…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 5 plays 0  

Challenges Facing China's English Undergraduate Programs

Speaker: Louis Tian Recorded for: TIP virtual practice session in October, 2023. Description: In this speech, the speaker discusses the challenges that undergraduate English programs face in…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 4 plays 0  

Three Myths about Generative AI and Interpreting

Speaker: Rony Gao Recorded for: TIP virtual practice in April, 2023 Glossary: - 生成式人工智能 Generative AI - 大型语言模型 large language model - 提示词 prompt - 滑尺 slide rule

From  Reynaldo Pagura 8 plays 0  

Новые технологии в сельском хозяйстве (New technologies in agriculture)

Keywords - органическое земледелие, точное земледелие, Сэм Джонс, бухгалтерия, урожайность, пестициды, гербициды, глифосаты , дрон, сканер, програмное обеспечение, сорняки, культурные растение,…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 3 plays 0  

Reestructuración cognitiva (ES)

Vocabulario: Reestructuración cognitiva (RC), Sócrates, Platón, Aristóteles, psicología fisiológica, psicología experimental, psicología…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 2 plays 0  

どうやればうまくなれるか。なぜうまくなるのか。(How can I become better? Why does it get better?) | Masaaki Tanaka | TEDxKagoshima

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences.

From  Reynaldo Pagura 3 plays 0  

Wystawa "Aleksander Kotsis - odcienie realizmu" (PL) (Exhibition "Alexander Kotsis - shades of realism")

Wystąpienie dla tłumaczenia symultanicznego Słownictwo - Wystawa "Aleksander Kotsis - odcienie realizmu" w Muzeum Narodowym w Krakowie, Kamienica Szołayskich; Realizm, Gustave Courbet,…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 3 plays 0  

Enclaves around the World “飞地”趣谈

Speaker: Rony Gao Topic: “飞地”趣谈 Enclaves around the World Glossary 飞地 Enslave 内飞地/外飞地 enclave / exclave 阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan 亚美尼亚 Armenia 纳卡地区 Nagorno-Karabakh 阿拉斯加…

From  Reynaldo Pagura 3 plays 0