Search for tag: "stat425"

STAT425: Random effects model (2 of 2)

In this video we discuss how to do inference in the random effects model using the Likelihood Ratio test and parametric bootstrap methods.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 12 plays 0  

STAT425: Random Effects Model (1 of 2)

In this video we discuss the meaning of random factors vs. fixed factors. We also introduced random and mixed effects models and how to estimate the model parameters using maximum likelihood and…

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 17 plays 0  

STAT425 R Examples: Experimental Design 1 (Paired t-test and blocking factors)

In this video we re-visit the t-test for two independent and dependent samples and use the lm function with a blocking factor to calculate the t-test. We also discuss the randomized t-test.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 52 plays 0  

STAT425: Experimental Design 2

In this video we discuss the Completely Randomized Block Designs and the Latin squares design. We also discuss how to calculate the relative efficiency between two designs.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 71 plays 0  

STAT425 Experimental Design 1 (2 of 2)

In this video we discuss cross-over experiments as a special case of matched pairs, and provide another example of randomization tests.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 35 plays 0  

STAT425: Experimental Design 1 (1 of 2)

In this video we introduce the components and steps of experimental design, randomization and introduce randomization tests. We also discussed matched pairs comparisons

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 57 plays 0  

STAT425: R examples: Two-way ANOVA models (Part 2) (additional cases)

In this video we discuss two-way anova models when we have an unbalance case and we need to analyze the model factors using the Type III Sum of Squares. We also discuss the balanced case with n=1 (a…

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 39 plays 0  

STAT425: Two-way ANOVA Part 2

In this video we discuss the two-way ANOVA model for the unbalanced case. We also discuss the balance case with 1 replication and the Tukey's additivity test for the interaction.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 60 plays 0  

STAT425: Two-way ANOVA Part 1 (2 of 2)

In this video we discuss the ANOVA table and the F-tests for the two-way ANOVA model. We also discuss the estimation of factor level means when the interaction is not significant and the treatment…

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 75 plays 0  

STAT425: Two-way ANOVA Part 1 (1 of 2)

In this video we describe the two-facto ANOVA models and discuss the difference between the cell means model and the factor effects model. We all discuss estimation in the two-factor ANOVA model.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 82 plays 0  

STAT425: One-way ANOVA models Part 2 (2 of 2)

In this video we continue discussing different methods to test one-factor level means including the Tukey's test and the Scheffe's test.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 89 plays 0  

STAT425: One-way ANOVA models Part 2 (1 of 2)

In this video we explain different ways of comparing the level means of a factor in a one-way ANOVA model, including contrasts. We discuss how to calculate the confidence intervals for the difference…

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 114 plays 0  

STAT425: One-way ANOVA models Part 1 (2 of 2)

In this video we talk about the properties of the One-way ANOVA model, model estimation and model Inference. We also discuss model diagnostics including the Levene's test for equality of…

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 110 plays 0  

STAT425: One-way ANOVA models Part 1 (1 of 2)

In this video we explain the One-way ANOVA model and different versions of the model, including the mean model and the Factors effect model

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 117 plays 0  

STAT425: A/B testing

In this video we give a brief introduction of A/B testing

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 106 plays 0  

STAT425: Shrinkage Methods (2 of 2)

In this video we discuss Ridge Regression and Lasso Regression. These two methods are also called penalized regression methods. They are useful when just a subset of the regression coefficients is…

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 127 plays 0  

STAT425: Shrinkage Methods (1 of 2)

In this video we talk about Principal Components Regression. This method is useful to reduce the dimensionality of the predictors space and when the high number of predictors can cause collinearity…

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 154 plays 0  

STAT425: Variable Selection

In this video we discuss how to do variable selection in linear regression using testing-based methods and criteria-based methods. We also discuss different searching methods to come up with the best…

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 171 plays 0  

STAT425: AnCova Models (2 of 2)

We discuss ANCOVA models when the categorical variable has k-levels. We also discuss the sequential F-test for model comparison

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 150 plays 0  

STAT425: AnCova Models (1 of 2)

We discuss AnCova models including a categorical variable with two-levels. We also discuss the different models resulting form the general model with interaction.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 175 plays 0  

STAT425: Non-parametric Regression

In this video we discuss Non-parametric regression methods: kernel estimators, smoothing splines and local polynomials

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 148 plays 0  

STAT425: Regression Splines

In this video we talk about regression splines and how to set the number of knots or degrees of freedom (df)to define the design matrix. We also discuss how to select the number of knots or df using…

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 193 plays 0  

STAT425: Polynomial Regression

In this video we talk about polynomial regression and piece-wise polynomials. We also define Cubic Splines and Natural Cubic Splines.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 204 plays 0  

STAT425: Lack of Fit test

In this video we talk about the Lack of Fit test in two cases: When the variance is known, and when the variance is unknown.

From  Lelys Bravo De Guenni 221 plays 0