Upcycled Apps: Adapting Existing IT Resources for Nontraditional Use Cases - Fall 2020 IT Pro Forum
From ITPF Zoom4
From ITPF Zoom4
Nontraditional software needs can often be addressed by creative, DIY adaptation of IT resources already available on campus. These solutions can be customized and maintained by the end user as needed. Since these are already widely used resources, support and tutorials are readily available. This presentation will walk through practical examples of adapting existing, free-to-campus-users software for use cases other than those for which the software is targeted, including for administrative tasks.
Learning Outcome: Participants may be inspired and empowered to adapt existing campus IT resources for their nontraditional use cases. Non-IT-pro participants will have a framework for adapting tools to their specific needs. IT professionals will be even better equipped to recommend solutions for unusual use cases based on existing campus resources.
Zoom Recording ID: 88413873240 UUID: kXb4YGsNRga7GpWuDVt6pQ== Meeting Time: 2020-11-12T14:46:21Z