Search for tag: "cloud services"
Microsoft Cloud Storage: OneDrive & SharePoint OnlineMicrosoft Cloud Storage: OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online Level 100In this new hybrid work environment, interchanging between office and home for work, you can create, view, edit and share…
From Judith Geistlinger
94 plays
Upcycled Apps: Adapting Existing IT Resources for Nontraditional Use Cases - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumKathy Walsh, Materials Research Lab (Slides are available under the Attachments tab.) Nontraditional software needs can often be addressed by creative, DIY adaptation of IT resources already…
From ITPF Zoom4
0 plays
4A - State of Cloud Platforms at Illinois - Joshua Mickle, Kevin Bird, Tom Grissom, Spring 2020 IT Pro ForumOverview of the current state of Cloud Platform services from Technology Services
From Mark McCarthy
9 plays