Search for tag: "fall 2020"
Farewell_Fall_Grad_2020Celebrating Fall 2020 Gies Graduates and there achievement. Fairwell to graduating cohort from the cohort still in program.
From Rahul Sethiya
28 plays
iMSA ACCY 504 Fall 2021 Mini Test 3 Q10 Part BiMSA ACCY 504 Fall 2020 Mini Test 3 Q10 Part B -originally posted in fall 2020 by Angel Chatterton
From business_elearning_digital_media
430 plays
iMSA ACCY 504 Fall 2021 Mini Test 3 Q9 Part BiMSA ACCY 504 Fall 2020 Mini Test 3 Q9 Part B originally posted in fall 2020.
From business_elearning_digital_media
491 plays
PowerShell User Group Q&A - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumMichael Kletz, Privacy and Security; Dominic Pickert, IT Partners at GiesCome learn about the campus PowerShell user group and PowerShell in general. Technical & group related questions both…
From ITPF Zoom4
5 plays
Upcycled Apps: Adapting Existing IT Resources for Nontraditional Use Cases - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumKathy Walsh, Materials Research Lab (Slides are available under the Attachments tab.) Nontraditional software needs can often be addressed by creative, DIY adaptation of IT resources already…
From ITPF Zoom4
0 plays
From Vision to System: Prototyping with Ease - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumIsaac Galvan, Technology Services; Bradly Alicea Building apps is a costly endeavor, with many potential pitfalls and points of failure. Getting user and stakeholder feedback early can save your team…
From ITPF Zoom4
8 plays
Migrating Workloads and Databases to the Cloud - Workshop - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumNathan Farris; Mike Botte Looking at your existing on-prem workloads and databases to determine which make the most sense to keep on-prem and which make the most sense to move to the cloud. Once you…
From ITPF Zoom5
6 plays
Accessibility Tools & Resources for IT Pros (Workshop) - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumAllison Payne, IT Partners @ Gies College of Business; Keith Hays, Ofc of Access & Equity; Ann Fredricksen, DRES; Mark McCarthy, AITS(Captions were autogenerated by Mediaspace. Updates from…
From ITPF Zoom4
15 plays
Introduction to the UIUC Network (Workshop) - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumCalvin Shirley, Technology Services; Brad McDuffie, Technology Services; Chris Skaar, Technology Services(Captions were autogenerated by Mediaspace. Updates from and human review will be…
From ITPF Zoom3
43 plays
Introducing Adobe Sign - IT Pro Forum Fall 2020Julie Wagner, RIMS(Slide deck is available under the Attachments tab.) Learn the basics of Adobe Sign, an electronic signature platform that the University now supports. Adobe Sign can significantly…
From ITPF Zoom1
14 plays
University of Illinois System Shared GitHub Service - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumPresenters: Robyn Velazquez, AITS; Pete Herrig, AITS; Chris Hawk, AITS; Dave Mussulman, Engineering IT Shared Services (Slide deck is available under the Attachments tab.) The University of Illinois…
From ITPF Zoom1
18 plays
Introduction and Keynote - IT Pro Forum Fall 2020Opening by Cordelia Geiken Keynote: Beyond Compliance- A Pathway Towards Greater Accessibility and Inclusion at Illinois by Allison Kushner, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and…
From ITPF Zoom1
9 plays
Upcoming Email Relays Migration - What to Expect - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumEric Frahm, Technology Services(Slide deck is available under the Attachments tab.) A long delayed project to migrate the Campus Email Relays to a vendor hosted cloud platform is coming in to…
From ITPF Zoom1
4 plays
Enterprise Integration Updates - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumJared Crowe, AITS; Kavin Chan, AITS (Slides are available under the Attachments tab.) A review of the AITS enterprise integration road map. Experience Level: IntermediateLearning Outcome: An…
From ITPF Zoom1
4 plays
Securing Windows with PowerShell DSC - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumMichael Kletz, Privacy and Security; Tamara Buch, Privacy and Security (Slides are available in the Attachments tab.)(Captions were autogenerated by Mediaspace. Updates from and human review…
From ITPF Zoom4
19 plays
Illinois Drupal Framework: Coming Together to Create Powerful Websites - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumNate Baxley, ATLAS - College of LAS; Melissa Waller, College of ACES; Tyler Rubach, ATLAS - College of LAS; Bill Gutierrez, College of ACES The colleges of ACES and LAS have been using Drupal to…
From ITPF Zoom4
12 plays
Adaptive Narration Technique in Online Teaching - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumSebastian Kelle, CSAdaptive Narration Technique (ANT) is a technologically enhanced pedagogical teaching model that aims at fostering self-directed learning processes in online education. We follow…
From ITPF Zoom3
10 plays
Meeting Teaching Needs in a Pandemic - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumCraig Jackson, Technology Solutions (ISU); Jeff Grabb, College of Business (ISU); Carla Birckelbaw, Technology Solutions (ISU); Chandra Smith, College of Applied Science & Technology(Slide deck…
From ITPF Zoom3
6 plays
Chatbot in the LMS - AI for Academics - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumSzymon Machajewski, Technology Solutions; Elizabeth Romero, Technology Solutions(Slide deck available under the Attachments tab.) (Captions were autogenerated by Mediaspace. Updates from and…
From ITPF Zoom3
8 plays
Digital Publishing and Pedagogy in the Humanities - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumMary Ton, Scholarly Communication and PublishingThis discussion will center around strategies for supporting the digital publication of humanities-based research with a particular focus on multimedia…
From ITPF Zoom3
10 plays
Software Integration with AuthMan Access Policies - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumErik Coleman, Technology Services (Captions were autogenerated by Mediaspace. Updates from and human review will be added as time permits.) We will take a deeper dive into Authorization…
From ITPF Zoom5
20 plays
Using AWS Savings Plans to Reduce Cloud Expenses at the University Library - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumJoseph Troy, Library(Slide deck is under "Attachments") (Captions were autogenerated by Mediaspace. Updates from and human review will be added as time permits.) The Library has…
From ITPF Zoom5
6 plays
ACT - All COVID Test Pipeline - Fall 2020 IT Pro ForumKen Taylor, Technology Services(Captions were autogenerated by Mediaspace. Updates from and human review will be added as time permits.) A review of the AWS pipeline architecture used to…
From ITPF Zoom5
22 plays